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How we doing Patreon Peeps

Yep, Altered Beast The Complete History is on the way but before I get into that, let's chat...


Firstly a massive thank you to everyone for your kind words in the last update. It really did help to get the crap off my chest! You guys are more than just patreons to me... you are genuine friends THANK YOU!!!


In short, without going into to much detail! at any moment I could get a call which will put everything on hold for a while... so, in preparation I have decided to do something I have never done before... hire somebody else to edit one or a couple of my upcoming videos!

Yep, this is very different for me! but honestly, the way it's going, I will no doubt start editing and then just suddenly  need to STOP and it's gonna hold everything up. Who knows what's gonna happen in an hour, today, tomorrow, next week??? Regardless I needed to prepare just in case.


Whilst sitting in front of my computer deciding what Complete history would be good for the halloween month of October, I looked up, saw Altered Beast on my shelf and thought "yeah... let's do that" a day and a half later the script was done!

That's the thing, in the situation I am in currently, one thing I can do quite well without too much worry is lots and lots of scripting. Turns out having 15-20 unfinished scripts and probably 100's of ideas sitting in my google drive actually works out for the best when stuff like this pops up.


I just had a call with GetBant a guy that I believe can replicate my style pretty well about the kind of thing I want to see in the video, I have recorded my lines, audio mixed them, added lotsa music and adverts etc and sent it to him along with a few extra bits... So for all you people that simply want to LISTEN to this complete history you can do above :)  the video will be with you within the week

Knowing me I will no doubt make plenty of changes myself when the final video is finished but you guys will as usual see a nice step by step along the way when I have more to show you


I hope you guys are looking forward to this its got quite an interesting story!

Thanks again guys and as always your support is really really super important to me

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope


altered beast [Patreon Early Preview]


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