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OOOOOOOOO yes, how we doin' Patreon Peeps

IT'S UPDATE TIME! (but not the kinda update you see above... A QUALITY UPDATE)

I am about 30-40 mins away from jumping in the car to go see Larry, Kim and eventually SEGA as we have all been invited to stream the new Mega Drive Mini today :D but before I go, I got lotsa awesome updates for you :D

1stly, the next video is a KickScammer news video

You can watch that in full (-the adverts) HERE 


Next up I gotta show you guys a preview of the next Complete history which as you no doubt already know is...

You can see the preview HERE 


And finally, let's chat about un-boxings! I recently purchased the most expensive game/collectors set I have ever owned and decided to unbox it! will this become a public-facing video? who knows?

For now, I thought I would share the unedited unboxing with you guys right... HERE (at the time of posting this it's still uploading so if you are early just give it it 10 mins or so lol)


Other than that I don't have much to report! I plan to add the sponsorship and Patreon outro tonight to the KickScammer News video, I plan to create a completely different well overdue unboxing tomorrow of a master system history book and then I will be spending the rest of the week finishing off the WipEout video :D



Love you all I gotta go prep for the meet up with SEGA + co

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope




I can’t wait to see the WipEout complete history, Slope!