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Goooooooooood morning Patreon Peeps :D

I have been up a good 30 mins or so making coffee for me and the wife whilst the kids watch Despicable me 3 (god those movies are over rated)... fuckin' minions!!!!!

Anyway... off topic on the 1st sentence... were was I... ahhhhhhhhh yes... REZZZZZZZZZZ.

Yep, REZ: The Complete History which was supposed to go live on Sunday but didn't because, I needed to chill out for a couple of days lol id finally finished :)


Very, very happy with this one, I feel like I went a little OTT with the editing and audio mixing (defo worth watching/listening with headphones on I reckon) + I have some exclusive footage from SEGA themselves showing off the REZ vibrating suit, of which only 3 exist!

I am currently uploading all of that footage for you right now as a Patreon exclusive as it only shows up for a few seconds in the video! that footage will be HERE in about an hour, along with about 30+ other patreon exclusive videos that I am behind uploading. It's gonna take a long time but it will be available at some point today

Today's Job... Patreon Q&A... FINALLY... More updates to follow

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope



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