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Hello Patreon Peeps,

Hope you are all well, Just wanted to let you know that YES!!! I am finally doing Aladdin: The History and The Games... and... I am already a good amount of the way through it!!!!

The plan is to have this video finished by Wednesday (we will see if that's possible) and to have a complete history ready for the weekend too.

Still trying to get ahead with content so you guys can see completed videos a week ahead of time and there is a chance that I may even have this video finished tomorrow... again, we will see.

Here is what I have done so far (a few images need clearing up but overall i'm really happy with it

Anyway, I'm gonna go chill out for a couple of hours and watch some Line of Duty with the wife :)

Thanks again so much for supporting me and I will speak to you all very soon with more updates...

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope


Ahhhh yes, some of my old school Patreons will remember a time when I actually finished this video already!!! hahaha this will be a lot better than that unreleased Aladdin version. However, if ya wanna see it. HERE YOU GO... it's for your eyes only!!!




Thank you for everything & for excellent updates. I hope you enjoy line of duty, I did. Best wishes to you and your family.