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How's it going Patreon peeps

As you can see above I have officially started working on PAC-MAN: The Complete History, I teased this the longest time ago IN THIS VIDEO but now it is officially started. The way its going is that I pan to spend about 1/2 a day to a day a week researching and scripting and so far I have finished the history portion of the 1st game. It doesn't sound like a lot but that's a good 6-7 pages so far... there is a lot more to the creation of this yellow disc besides some dude eating a pizza!

So yeah, PAC-MAN has finally started and I will be sure to give you all updates as and when I continue to add to the script and I may even get you all involved too (more on that soon)

Right, what else is coming, Well I am very excited to announce a brand new series is going to start appearing on the channel VERY SOON (although its technically not that new at all lol)


As you may already know I have done 2x videos in the past which are called Popeye: Video Games and Howard the Duck: The Fucked up history...

...These are bad names for videos lol. 

The Howard the Duck one has been demonetised for the longest time and the Popeye video is only really telling you half the story as they both get into the creation of the franchises they are in as well as the video games.

And when I started working on 2x new videos that are similar to this formula I decided to re-brand them and start a new series...

These title cards completely jump out at you so much more and explain in greater detail what the videos are about. I will at some point unlist the Howard video and remove the swears with this new branding before re-uploading it and as for Popeye... I'm just gonna change the title card :P

The amazing thing about this new series is that it means a whole new world of videos has opened itself up to me. including the chance to bring back the long overdue Slopes Does Disney videos that I removed ages ago...

Anyone remember this? (by the way if you do want to watch all of these unlisted videos I removed ages ago... here you go)

Just imagine how many classic franchises I could cover by doing this...

Very excited about this, I know it's technically not a new thing... but now the series has an official name I feel like I could start adding it alongside the already established The Complete History, KickScammers and Quickshot releases :D

So, what will be the 1st 2x "The History and The Games" videos???

The War of the World's video may take a while as I am trying to speak with a few game publishers/developers about some of the games which are seriously hard to even get hold of.

Anyway, that's enough from me for now, I have been working hard today on South Park: The History and The Games and I need to quickly record a few lines for it before I call it a day :D

Let me know what you think :)

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope




So love those title cards! I was only thinking last week how it would be good to have a new series on your channel (nothing wrong with your others of course). I enjoyed the Disney ones too when I binged watched all your content last year. Good work thanks & a good Patreon update. Best wishes.

Slopes Game Room

Cheers buddy, I just think something like this is the perfect way to show off plenty of awesome games that wouldn't normally get attention


Definitely is, good ideas.