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Hope you all have a great xmas (or whatever you may celebrate) Just wanted to let you know I have been working on my top 100 games of all time video which has now been scripted and recorded. However, I'm closing up the game room for a couple of days to spend time with the family. 

Feel free to browse the channel but more importantly make sure you spend time with the ones you love (and then get em to subscribe hahaha)

I really do hope you all have a great time this holiday and again thank you so so so much for all your support. I CAN'T BELIEVE I HOT 100K BEFORE XMAS!!!! INSANE!!!!

Many thanks everyone

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope




You too thanks. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thank you for the great content & congratulations on the milestone subscribers.


Merry Christmas, Dan. Enjoy some time with family and friends.


Merry Christmas, Dan!


Have a Merry Christmas, Dan! 🎄


Merry Christmas to you too, Dan! Thank you so much for a wonderful year.