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Hi All

Firstly I want to just say how incredibly happy I am to call you guys my Patreons :) You seriously are the backbone of the channel and I highly doubt I would be in this situation if you guys were not around for me to talk too and share ideas with :) THANK YOU!!!

For those that don't know I have recently moved house and I have also handed in my notice officially with my final day being the 7th December before I take the channel FULL TIME.

And obviously, with so many changes, as you would expect quite a few changes will be coming to the channel, DISCORD and Patreon!

However, today I want to talk just about the channel (Once I have worked out all the improvements for Patreon & DISCORD I will be back for PART 2)

Slowly moving forward, this is what an average week on Slope's Game Room will look like...

SATURDAY: THE BIG VIDEO | Nothing new here apart from the fact that I have a lot more time to focus on the BIG content. Expect more KickScammers, more Complete Histories and more Random Histories more often



TUESDAY: STREAM DAY | Yes, I want to stream once a week and where possible get another YouTuber, Developer, Podcaster etc involved to make it more of an event. The only real difference here is that I wan't to split the streams so that they start on YouTube (say for like 2 hours) and continue onto Twitch for another 2 hours.

The only stream that will be different to this is the final Tuesday of each month where it changes from gaming to KICKSCAMMERS LIVE! with me and good friend Andrew Dalton + the odd guest I am sure. This will be 100% on YouTube!

WEDNESDAY: 2ND VIDEO DAY | It's best to look at this as my mini video day. you may get smaller and more obscure Complete Histories, KicksScammers and Random Histories as well as more QuickShot videos too (I love making those)

However, I am also toying with the idea of a new small show called KickScammer News!. This is essentially... well its kickScammer news. It's my way to talk about developments in older videos (like this), talk about live projects (which is something I never like to do for the main videos) and of course bring up a few smaller stories and even the odd good KickStarter too.


FRIDAY: REVIEW & UNBOXING DAY | This is the calm before the storm, a smaller video before the big one drops on Saturday. Here I get to make 1 off game reviews, unboxings and once a month put out my Patreon Q&A videos in its place (which by the way will be a lot more  "vloggy" like this)


So yeah, that's an average week in a nutshell for the show! I really am interested in hearing what you guys think of it. But please, bear in mind...

Saturday's main video will always be king and takes  precedent  above all other content.

I can't stress this enough, on the off chance that I am away and can't stream or I am unable to make one of the smaller midweek videos, Saturday's main video will always be the video I spend the most amount of time with.


Let me know your thoughts and again... THANK YOU FOR YOUR AMAZING SUPPORT! another private update will happen soonish discussing in detail about all the improvements to both Patreon & DISCORD

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope




Congratulations on leaving your job I can't say I'm not a little jealous.lol

Slopes Game Room

It's all about consistency mate, your content is already good just need to make more of it A LOT MORE!


Uber congrats on your new venture, buddy. You deserve this.


Congrats Slope. Well deserved. Cant wait for the future.


Good news, hope everything going well in your new place. Lots of cool things to come & look forward to. I miss the unboxing so that will be good to see again. Best wishes and here's to the future (chink - imaginary glass of champagne)


All sounds great man, congrats for your continued success!


Congratulations Dan, keep up the amazing work!