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Hello Patreon peeps

Thank you all for sticking with me over the last few weeks and the coming weeks too :)

I have some huge updates/ideas coming up not only for my channel but for my Patreon too! 

For those that are interested the new expected move in date is the 16th November... I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Right, on to your exclusive video... THE SEPTEMBER Q&A

The reason for making last months QnA video unlisted and just for you guys is honestly because I WAN'T/ NEED YOUR OPINION!

After I answer your awesome questions I wanted to give you all a couple of small videos from another channel that sadly is no longer online called "iRetroGamer"

The video will explain it in greater detail but the long and short of it is...

I was/am a huge fan of the channel iRetroGamer most notably his unique series called "iRetroLife". For those that have never seen it, it is essentially a very well edited series of short clips filmed by Tyler and his sadly now passed away father all filmed in the 90's. 

YouTube wasn't around back then but that didn't stop this duo from making what is essentially one of the very best YouTuber like insights into what it was like to be a hardcore american gamer.

And on top of that the videos obviously are a perfect way to keep his fathers memory alive

So... why am I telling you all this... Well, the videos are now GONE!!!!

To become the perfect dad that Tylers dad was all those years ago before he passed away. Tyler decided that he needed to delete his channel so he could focus on his family more. When I discovered that he did this I was supremely gutted as you can imagine.

We can all review old games but these brilliantly edited insights into the 90's were insanely unique and after I discovered that they had gone I begged him to let me help him create the content onto a dvd or something similar so he at least has them... but he said he couldn't because he no longer had any of the original files... EVERYTHING WAS GONE! in a way it was his way of letting go of the ever hungry beast that is YOUTUBE (you content creators reading this will understand)

A short while later he sent me a DM saying that he has had quite a few issues of other accounts randomly uploading his old videos (they must had downloaded them before they went away) and his new issue was fighting this losing battle of trying to take them down aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's were I come in!

Ya see there was a very big fan of his show that apparently has downloaded every single episode in case something like this ever happened and now Tyler has asked me (due to being someone that truly understands the content) if I would like to upload these videos on my channel and for Slope's Game Room to become the new home of iRetroLife

and I don't know what to do. I wan't to help out a friend and I honestly do believe that this content is worthy. But is it the right sort of content for my channel?

If I did go ahead with it, it would start next year and will be uploaded mid week every 3-4 weeks or so and therefor will last a good couple of years before the series completely ends (after all there is only so much footage Tyler and his dad filmed)

For those that don't know I am currently in the process of creating bigger videos (stuff like kickscammers and complete histories) more often... like, twice a week as well as a stream MINIMUM!!! EVERY SINGLE WEEK... these iRetroLife episodes would take the place of a mid week video once a month.....ish.

Have a look at the QNA and at the end you will see 2x of these videos. I would love to get your opinion on if you think they are right for my channel. 

Sorry for the long post guys, hope you appreciate the tough decision I have here.

Thank you all again for your huge support through this annoying time in my life. normal service will be double very soon :D

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope






I for one am a huge fan of this idea. I loved Tyler’s channel and was quite disappointed when the back catalogue disappeared. It’s a truly unique show that would be impossible to replicate unless you started planning for it in the mid 80s. Preserving this show on your channel is a net positive for everyone.


Still says video is processing--


When I click the vid above it says that it isn't available currently. My gut reaction (even though I haven't seen any of Tyler's videos before) is that it sounds like something worth doing. I started really getting into your channel, not just because of the info on game history, but because of your personal accounts of initial experiences/excitement when first encountering games you loved when you were younger. Streaming and online gaming has forever changed the gaming landscape, but your channel (and I suspect, Tyler's videos) do infuse me with the retro nostalgia of scouring a blockbuster for a hidden gem or finally learning to how to beat Ghostbusters on the C64 by talking to some kids on the bus ride to school. It's not just the games, but the experiences you had together with the other people exploring/decoding/misinterpreting those games.

Slopes Game Room

Thanks for the advice mate, just realised the video was broken, re-uploading now (give it 10 mins or so) <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rSBGClgIJE&feature=youtu.be" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rSBGClgIJE&feature=youtu.be</a>

Slopes Game Room

messed up the upload, re-uploading now <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rSBGClgIJE&feature=youtu.be" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rSBGClgIJE&feature=youtu.be</a>

Slopes Game Room

Awesome advice, thanks mate, re-uploading the video now <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rSBGClgIJE&feature=youtu.be" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rSBGClgIJE&feature=youtu.be</a>


I would love to see this man's videos please. Thank you. Best wishes to you and him & both familes.


Just watched the video and I think I actually HAVE seen that first video before but never anything after it. Definitely gives me the feels, since the first version of the N64/Mario 64 that I played was ALSO the imported version that my twin brother bought before it came here to the states. In any case, yeah, I think these are worth putting up for all to see.


I'm gonna be honest. I love the idea of his father taping a lot of his son's early life and his love of videos games (I assumed his dad liked video games too or he wouldn't have bought so much) but that old VHS look kinda creeps me out. I couldn't watch these vids because that old grainy cassette look really put me off. Still, it is a great look into how video game culture was back then that the only other way to see this kind of stuff is through news reports. I'd say go for it even if I personally will never watch them. Tapes like these are rare and should be preserved.