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Morning Patreon peeps,

As you know I have been working closely with my good friend Kieren Hawken (Lairds Lair) on the upcoming Vega+ KickScammer video and I still got plenty to do :)

Especially when I send him some clips on what I have done so far and he replies "They look great, but it looks like a whole 2 pages are missing from the script!" Basically making the episode even longer!

Anyway, long story short I am trying my very very best to get the video finished for the weekend. My house move has still not gone ahead but is likely to happen at any random time in the (hopefully) very near future which could potentially pause production on the video... we will see.

Right... let's talk THE VEGA+ SCANDAL updates shall we...

Firstly, in case you don't know already, I have plenty of voice samples from quite a few usual suspects, including the following...

  • Lairds Lair
  • Both Gregg & Dazz from Did You Know Gaming
  • Nostalgia Nerd
  • Kim Justice
  • Octav1ous Kitten
  • Retro Man Cave

You are likely to hear some of them i the preview clips below


Here are the clips I have made so far, with notes (if you do not care and just want to see the latest scroll to the bottom)...

  • Intro: First bit I did leading up to the calendar section
  • Intro + first part of calendar section: I was experimenting here with color changes to make the dates look smoother (note: this was before the I discovered 2 pages of dates were missing)
  • Intro (cleaned up) + first calendar section extended: added some extra bits to the intro, cleaned up the calendar section and extended it. Again, this was before I found out that 2 pages of dates were missing. The 2nd half of the video is just audio and is used for me to listen to so I can add extra images
  • The missing 2 pages: at the 07:01 part in the above (and below) videos were the intro changes to the date section there were 2 pages missing that now need to be squeezed in. this is that section with only Octav1ous Kitten's voice missing from the end
  • Intro + full first calendar section (2016 dates) and some 2017 dates added: Still missing the 2 page section from the above update. this is simply just an extended version of the whole video moving into 2017 

This is all I have done so far, more updates will be posted in this post almost daily so feel free to come back and check them out. However, as long as all goes well, this is the final video I will ever make on my original PC rig that has made every single one of my videos to date! because... thanks to (Andrew for helping) my new PC rig should be arriving today!

  • ALL OF THE ABOVE + more audio added: I have now recorded the entire episode and when I finish cleaning up the rest I think the video will be about 1 hour 20-30 mins
  • All of the above again but more: this time the whole audio file edited together and the tv set up and dates added. there are still a few audio fuck ups that need cleaning up but this is pretty much the whole episode (besides the outro)

Right, back to work I go...

Mucho Love peeps

-DJ Slope
