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Heya Patreon Peeps,

A very quick message to let you know that the next complete history is finally finished :D

You can click here to see the work in progress and the final edit. 

I am already looking at labeling up the last of my EGX footage so I can create a couple of small videos whilst I continue to work on the huge Movie Length KickScammer video :)

Mucho Love Guys

-DJ Slope




Excellent video as always Dan, loved it. Also enjoyed the varying locations of the Q&A video! :D


Even though I can watch these episodes early, I don't actually do that. I just HAVE to watch it when it's finally complete because when I do, it feels so good due to all the production value you put in. Though I do sometimes go back and watch them again so perhaps I can watch the making of these episodes in a very raw state later on. Keep up the good work, it's all worth it.