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Hello Patreon peeps

Firstly before I go ahead I just want to say how much I really do appreciate every single one of you.  Although to the average on looker my channel looks like one that has easily gained momentum... that is far it.

It's time for me to tell you the story (or THE COMPLETE HISTORY if you will) of Slope's Game Room...


These last 3-4 years have been a crazy hectic ride. trying to get videos out once a week and on top of that trying to get them to all be longer documentary like videos has seriously taken its tole on me.

This isn't a cry for help, far from it. Because although I have literally made myself ill several times as well as severally sacrificing my social life I wouldn't change the outcome and the crazy ride that it has been for anything (insert take you for a ride theme here)

The whole reason I started a channel in the 1st place was to tell stories about video games that I wasn't finding on YouTube. I loved watching classic channels such as Gaming Historian, Metal Jesus Rocks, AVGN, Caddicarus, (insert 100 other very obvious channels here) and of course GURU LARRY and nothing would get me more excited than discovering a topic about classic gaming that I knew nothing about before.

It took about 2 years for me to finally build up the style I wanted and then on July 3rd 2014 I finally released this video which is a good thing because the channel almost became something completely different 

Anyway, from this point on the buzz started to build up on the videos I was creating and I started to gain some rather awesome like minded friends such as Kim Justice, Nostalgia Nerd, Ashens and sooooo many more outside of the world of YouTube.

The feeling that all of this built up for me was amazing. I knew that this is what I wanted to do and when YouTube sent me my 1st ever £30 payment (probably a year or so after I started) I realized that there was a small chance that it could actually happen.

from that point on I decided to change my once a month formula to once a week. something I have done ever since and something I am very happy to say I have only ever missed about 3 times (not bad if you ask me)

On top of this I was also editing a heavy amount of Larry's videos and I am super chuffed at how fast we was able to build it up from 80-90K (what it was when we started working together) to 300K+ plus

This was sooooo incredibly important for me as it helped me understand how YouTube worked. I built up great relationships with people like Kim, Tophat and Kieren (Lairds Lare) to name a few who were also all working with Larry. It was at this point that I decided to take what I had learnt and push those same practices onto my channel.


Hopefully you have noticed a bit of a change for the better for Slope's Game Room since the beginning of the year. smaller videos such as unboxings and game reviews have for the most part moved to being midweek videos. leaving the big ones (KickScammers, The Complete History & Random Histories) for the weekend. I hope you have enjoyed this change and considering I have gone from about 50K to almost 100K in a year I believe its the right thing to have done.

This year has been a crazy roller-coaster ride, I have been in contact with my all time favorite company SEGA and have ever worked directly with them as you can see above (there will be a mini video created by SEGA going on my channel early this week btw so keep an eye out for that).

I also finally decided start going to cons which has meant that I have not only made a few awesome contacts in the biz but I have also met so many of you guys... like minded guys that want to talk to me about weird video game history facts which was the whole reason I started this channel in the first place!!!!


Honestly, I have never been happier than right now, I have made some exceptional friends, helped out plenty of channels that I feel deserve it and I have worked with so many companies that pretty much constantly sold themselves to me when I was a kid (that's a good thing btw lol)

And now it's finally time (for anybody that is still reading this) to explain why I am sending out this update.

Even though all is great, the finish line is yet to be crossed.

This last month we have had a family wedding (abroad) I just got back from EGX, It's my mum's wedding next week, I am about to move home in a week again, at the end of the month I am away in Blackpool for Play Expo and on top of all this (as long as the house move date goes ahead) I will be handing in my notice at my 9-5 so I can take YouTube full time!

please keep this information to yourself for the time being as I am keeping a lot of it secret from certain people in my social circles until the time is right)

It's going to be a scary 4-6 weeks ahead and although I have managed to keep on top of creating new content when stuff is happening in my real life up to this point, there is simply way too much going on for me to keep it up for the next month-ish.

Videos are still very much being made but for the next month or so you may see them pop up at odd times and a few more live streams may appear to fill in some gaps.

Please don't be worried as big videos are still very much being made (see below) but its just a warning that for the first time in my channels life it may be a little all over the place lol

Think of it like this... you may be getting 3 big videos instead of 4 but after I go full time you will be likely getting 8 instead of 4 :)

I have huge plans for the future of the channel that will hopefully cater to all tastes (kickscammers or retro gamers) and I wanted you guys to know about this final leg of the crazy slope journey before I tell the rest of the world


Anyway, I think that's enough of me rabbiting on, seriously exciting stuff is coming up very soon AND HONESTLY GUYS I wouldn't be in this crazily scary but thrilling spot in my life without you.


Also, big changes will be coming to all the tiers and rewards on Patreon which I do want to talk to you all about once I am settled. Together we can all work out ways that I can give more back to you awesome peeps :)

Anyway, this has gone on for far too long hahahaha I should probably get back to editing my next video right :P

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope


Random upcoming videos...

+ Loads more




Thank you for an excellent update. Good Times ahead, thank you for all your great videos & the time that you put into them. Best wishes & lots of luck in all your choices that you have made. Rich


You've certainly come a long way since YouTube randomly recommended I check out one of your videos (sadly don't remember which one it was). I knew of Patreon only in passing, but it didn't take long for me to sign up and make you the first creator supported through it. Larry just after. Good luck with everything coming up, and we'll be here during/after all the coming changes.

Slopes Game Room

woop woop, i beat Larry to the punch mwahahahaha. Seriously tho, huge thanks for the support mate, it really is awesome of you


This is such exciting news all around. Definitely a tough road ahead, but getting to know you the past few years you're one of the only people I know who can do it. Just upped my pledge, go get yourself a nice drink <3

Slopes Game Room

I'M GETTING WASTED... AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!!! HAHAHA Thank you so much mate I really do appreciate it :D


Great to finally catch up with you at EGX and in all seriousness, I can't thank you enough for all the work you've done over the last few years! If you ever need further resource to assist you to make great content, I'm one email away! Now onwards, let's get you that 100k badge!


Many congrats on all your success mate, you truly deserve it! Such an inspiration to me and many others, and bringing fantastic entertainment and important historical lessons to millions. You rock!


What a time and subject to pick for an update. I am too transitioning in my life right now. I'm looking for a new apartment, going to start a new big game project, and am making plans to visit my dad in North Carolina to ask for a loan (jeez, I hope that goes well). These are crazy times right now and yet it all feels so exciting. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. Been a big fan for 2 years and will be for many more and I can't wait to see where the channel, and your life, are headed.\

Slopes Game Room

Huge thanks mate, yep it was awesome to finally meet you at EGX :) when I am a little more settled we need to sit down and work on some stuff for your channel :)

Slopes Game Room

AN INSPIRATION!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh thanks buddy :) yep, plenty more pointless gaming history lessons are on the horizon :D very excited for the future

Slopes Game Room

huge thanks! sounds to me like its an exciting and scary time for both of us, if you ever fancy a chat be sure to do so on discord. I know I am not overly active at the moment as I am going crazy editing, so, feel free to drop me a DM :D


Congrats on the well earned success, and good luck with the move! Can't wait to see what you have in store, but please don't overwork yourself, Dan!


That's awesome man. I just discovered your channel after discovering Larry's a few weeks ago. It's crazy that I didn't find you guys sooner because I've been watching Nostalgia Nerd and Gaming Historian for almost a year now. Anyway glad to hear the good news!

Slopes Game Room

Thanks so much mate :) I really do appreciate it. Both Nostalgia, Larry and the rest of the UK scene are all great :) Thanks so much for supporting mate


You're more than welcome man! I started exploring more channels after being a long time sub to Oxbox and their sister channel; which I think they need to colabs with fellow UK gaming YouTubers but, I don't know if Eurogamer will like that. To use my community college's term, I'm pursing a "Digital Media Arts Student A.S. Degree with focus in Video Game Foundations"; a nice fancy way for saying I'm a video game design student if you ask me. Anyway, you and all of these channels have finally inspired me to start my own channel so I can hone my digital arts skills; the theme is going be on playing the absolute worse games ever made to completion. I'm still hashing the idea for the channel but, I picked "Mark Plays the Worst". Hopefully I'll have the channel going next year because my classes are a bit hectic right now. Anyway, back to homework.