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Hello Patreon peeps,

Slopes Game Room AKA ME! is back in the UK after a well needed week away in Cyprus with the family :)

Hope you are all feeling good and been enjoying the..... sunshine? has it been hot? literally I got's no idea :P

Just wanted to let you all know what's going on with the channel.

As you know I am in my final stages (probably 2 months) before I take this bad boy full time and right now is literally the hardest time ever to create videos as we are also moving house within a month lol

I only tell you this so you know that I may disappear from time to time as I get this all sorted ready for the MASSIVE SGR INFLUX that you will all receive very soon. If anyone here does need to get hold of me then please do feel free to chuck me a DM or hook me up on Discord :)

Right... So... What's coming up... over the next few weeks... Honestly... I'm not exactly sure hahaha. But, I have been working on a rather obscure Complete History WORLD OF GOO which has an excellent "Rocky" like underdog story behind it's origin which I have decided to turn into a video. Plus it's 10 years old soon and I wanted to pay homage to one of the best indie games going :)

Other than this I am still working on a few other videos and at the moment I don't really have any real idea what will come next. Firstly you got the Viewtiful Joe: Complete History

and the crazy long winded Vega+ KickScammer video too (not exactly sure what im gonna do with this because it's stupidly long at the moment (probably like an hour n half)) #WatchThisSpace

I have also been prepping the odd complete history for October and you are probably going to see a Night Trap Complete History as well as a House of The Dead Complete History too

There are a few other things I have going on. been sent a few games that need to be reviewed at some point as well as some books from Bitmap books which are incredible resources for my videos and I think they deserve some spotlight :) 

But probably best of all is the fact that I have recently been chatting to the devs for that new Streets of Rage game :) hopefully a small preview, interview or.... something will come from this... only time will tell :)


Right, I think it's best I get on with this World of Goo video.

Mucho Love guys, and thanks so much for your support... I have only been away a week but I have missed you all greatly :)
-DJ Slope

P.S. oooooo yes... I am going to EGX with SEGA next week and even though I have made a good start on the QnA from Cyprus I will be finishing it off at EGX possibly with guests!!!! so, you still have a chance to fill in Qs for me to A here 

P.S.S. for anybody waiting on the Slope Box stuff... my delivery finally came in yesterday of your very exclusive SGR items... They will be shipped out today :D apologies for the delay :D




All good things to come thanks! Hope you all enjoyed your hols. England weather? On & off!