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Hi all,

Just wanted to let you all know that this weekend's video is going to be a re-upload of my 13th Complete History video


Because we are cursed with only 24 hours in a day :(

I am away this weekend at Play Glasgow with Kim Justice + Retro Hour Podcast and I am also prepping for next weekend's big beer launch!

On top of that I am actually meeting my accountant / Mortgage adviser quite a bit atm (as we are moving house soon) and ALSO, I may be going back to SEGA next week too for something super top secret!

Like I said... not enough hours!

In short, It was the perfect weekend to re-release one of my earliest complete histories that has sat unlisted for almost a year! 

An episode that was released around about the time that I really started to change up my Complete History style for the better. It's still a little rough around the edges compared to my latest stuff, but regardless I am super happy with it... plus these 3 complete histories (Double Dragon, Shinobi and Splatterhouse) made me super ill due to deciding sleep and being healthy wasn't as important as creating content!

I think it deserves to be seen again :)

Here is the new version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fvTCZEOjWo 

And just for you guys... here is the old version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHM7IfNTSkw&list=PLMC49V9zeXbHe5DDNsZKXCwLwD5Z-JzAB&index=50  

Its not only demonized but also blocked in some countries, hopefully you still get to see it. 

The only difference is straight after the title card were I played some copyrighted material from an old kung fu movie that I thought was in the public domain... turns out somebody bought up the rights since then! (or at least that's what I think happened!?!?!?!?!


Anyway, that's all for now. Hope you all have a great weekend, I no doubt will. I plan to start the script on at least 2 new complete history videos (and possibly a KickScammer) on my long 7 hour train journey each way. 

Next weeks vid is going to be this...

It will be my 50th release and I am crazy excited with how the script is getting completely out of hand :) It's gonna be a long one :D


Right, I'm off. Love you guys, thank you all so much for your support. it means the world.

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope




Nice one Dan, just rewatched, love a bit of Shinobi, especially Revenge, Shadow Dancer and 3 on MD. It was actually due to watching this video first time round that I bought Shinobi X on Saturn for my PAL collection - cost me £65 but its a great game, had a lot of fun playing it through. Looking forward to the F-Zero one, the SNES and N64 games are 2 of my favourites, not spent much time with the Gamecube and Arcade versions, but I keep meaning to, epsecially considering the Sega involvement in the latter. Have a great time in Glasgow with Kim!