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Simple as that really, feel free to post your Patreon questions here.

You have until the 15th (ish) as I plan to film it at the "Slope's Game Room: Complete History beer launch" :)

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope




When (if ever) is censorship OK in gaming?


Hi Dan, here's a crazy hypothetical: If you were under some magical curse that meant you could only ever play every Sega console, OR every Nintendo console - which would you chose? But... as its you, here is a twist to make it more difficult: tragically, due to a screw up in the magic spell - Streets of Rage and Sonic series don't exist! Sorry, try not to have nightmares ;)


What are your thoughts on people who are trying to push identity politics into gaming?


Hey Dan, You going to Download Fest this year? If so what days or the whole weekend?

Slopes Game Room

You just upgraded your pledge!!! that's mighty kind of you! :) I don't want you to waste your question lol No, I am sadly Not going as I am going to a retro con instead :(


Didn't upgrade for the question, just the shameful shout out at the end of your videos! Nah just thought i'd upgrade as I always look forward to your content. Shame about Download, always next year.

Slopes Game Room

hahaha awesome stuff mate, ya just in time to as I'm finishing off teh next complete history in a couple of days and I will make sure to get your name shown :D


What are you most excited for at E3?


How Creamy is Creamy Elephant?


Since you started your crazy youtube journey, whats been the best part of it?

Gary Pinkett

Has there ever been a game you really wanted to like but just couldn't get into?


What was the first thing you ever edited "officially"


So with the return of Battletoads, what happens with that complete history? Will there be a quick review video on its own or will you add it to the Complete History, like an updated remaster?


And now I realize it's a bit late...this post just came up on my phone notifications 5 minutes ago!