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Hell Patreon peeps,

Ignore the picture of the monkey above... hes not looking at you... honest!


I have been working my ass off recently getting loads of videos prepped for the next month or so. But before we get to those have a couple of Patreon exclusive vids...



This is another record unboxing that I got. However, the reason I have not made the video public is because its 100% illegal! Plenty of record companies do not want people to find out about these dodgy companies and I am the same! which is why this is for your eyes only :)


Slope & Kim's Arcade Club tour 

Kim Justice, Octav1ous Kitten, Nostagia Nerd + plenty of others went to some crazy Primark event at the weekend where we basically stood around talking to people about retro gaming. 

After, Kim and I had our minds blown off as we went to the Arcade Club. this is an unedited tour taken on my phone of the venue :)


Right, that's your exclusives out the way... Let's give you a rough update as to what is coming out...


Divinity: Original Sin 2: Record Unboxing 

This will be my next video going live at some point this week. Honestly, as much as I like the look and sound, this sort of videos does nothing for my channel. so the plan is to release this video 1 day before i release the next one...


Top 10 SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis Classics that I want to play!

Happy to say that SEGA have given me the go ahead on this now and I will be working on getting this recorded and edited TONIGHT! It's gonna be slightly easier than normal as it will not feature any fancy editing due to it being a direct capture of the compilation :)



It's been a while since my last Kickscammer (over a month) and the weekends video is hopefully going to be this! The script is written so now all i gotta do is edit it! :)

Also, in other Kickscammer news I have just recorded some audio for another YouTube channel which I am planning to do a Kickscammer collaboration with. The plan is to release that this month and if that goes ahead expect to not only see that video on their channel but also another one on mine :O


A super secret Jimmy Hapa package from Japan Un-boxing 

Title card / name may possibly change!

So... Jimmy Hapa has been teasing sending me a package for ages, I finally got it. AND LOST MY MIND! 

I was gonna make this a patreon private video by Jimmy put so much love into this that i decided to put it live early next week so he can get a few subs from it as a mini thanks instead :)


SEGA's lost and forgotten Robot

This one keeps getting pushed back, possibly It will go live late next week. we will see. Its actually already underway on the editing front and will not take long to finish. Whenever it goes live you guys will no doubt see it first :)


F-Zero: The Complete History - SGR

Time for another big complete history me thinks :) Wanted to do this one for a while as I really do quite enjoy these games.

The plan is to release this as the big video next weekend. However, I am not sure if that is too early for such a big video. plus, if all this Kickscammer stuff starts going I may put it back a week or 2, regardless the script is well underway and I am very excited to make this one :)


SteamWorld Dig 1+2 Record unboxing 

Fans of the show will know that I am a huge fan of these 2 games and these vinyls look stunning :D. Its a good few weeks away from being made public but you can watch this video now

I do need to give these videos a slight clean up before they go live as the ending is a little choppy, but its pretty much exactly how it will be live :)


So, yeah. There ya go. a crazy few weeks ahead, made easier by the several videos above which have already been finished :) Obviously I still gotta do loast months Patreon Let's Play choice, Patreon Commentary choice and of course THE Q&A so keep an eye out for updates on those as soon as they are done :)

The next update will no doubt be the Mega Drive video which I may or may not be allowed to show you... dpends what SEGA say :)


Ricght that's me for now, pretty chuffed with my prep work so far, let's see how we get on 

Mucho Love guys

-DJ Slope




I am so looking forward to all of these videos especially the Mega Drive ones.


All looks good, can't wait to watch! Thank you. Best wishes.


All sounds fantastic mate, some great content here, looking forward to it :)


Excellent! Do you ever sleep, Dan? Just wanted to send my thanks! I really appreciate the amount of time, effort, insight, dedication (among other things) that you put into each video. You’re one of the best out there, my friend! Keep doing what you’re doing! Sorry you’re stuck at an awful work convention. Been there. Stiff upper lip and all that!

Slopes Game Room

hahaha its all good my man! Yep, its pretty hardcore atm, in hindsight my alarm not going off this morning was quite nice for my sleep lol :P