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Hello Patreon peeps :)

It's been manic this last week or so, which doesn't help when both my kids are quite poorly! :( (Don't worry they are on the mend now :D)

Right, so, yeah, this is what is coming up...



This is tonight's video, completely finished and ready for your viewing pleasure



This is where it gets a little messy, I have only just realized I have an advanced copy of RAGING JUSTICE, a streets of rage esc game that I would really like to review before its released, meaning that it will likely be up to watch either Thursday or Friday. Regardless you will see a review ASAP!

BTW, HOPEFULLY!!!! I will be streaming my game-play of this for Patreons only tonight. Be sure to keep an eye on my Discord (click here to join) for a link to the private stream. FYI, there will be no commentary from me in the stream as I will be using the footage in my review.

*UPDATE* here is the title-card *UPDATE*



In an ideal world, I will finally be able to get out this Complete History video. If all goes to plan, it will be released on Sunday. At this point in time that is perhaps wishful thinking... Time (and my poorly kids) will determine the outcome!



I have written and already voiced another QuickShot episode. This will be a seriously Quick....errrrr QuickShot episode (4-5 mins long) and will likely go live early-mid next week.



One for the Record fans among you :) this will go live either late midweek next week or midweek the week after (hope that makes sense lol... it doesn't!)

And btw, even though I have no interest in the game itself, the record is STUNNING!



You may remember in a previous post that I filmed some footage of the upcoming Sega Mega Drive Collection at EGX Rezzed and planned to release this video...

...However, I have come into a slight problem... 

...Ya see, the issue is that I was apparently not allowed to film the footage??? lol

When I showed my contacts at SEGA what I was able to get footage of they was shocked that nobody stopped me. Turns out that every single SEGA helper must had been on there lunch break at the same time :P

I'm not in trouble but, they have asked me to hold back on releasing the video and I may even be able to go to SEGA's offices again to capture footage directly rather than use the shaky cam footage I have :) 

More info on this will come as soon as I have it to share, just keep in mind if I suddenly get authorization to release the video it may push back any of the other videos listed above.



Actually, I think that's enough for now, it's all a bit crazy at the moment as I am sure people in DISCORD will confirm lol.

And even though this all may seem out of reach now. I am keeping positive as plenty of the above footage / scripts are completely / mostly written or filmed :)

Thank you all again guys n girls, it's been a great month for Patreon and I really appreciate your support :)

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope




Thanks for spoiling us! Glad kids are on the mend.


Thanks for the updates. Sorry kids have been unwell, glad things are looking better. All above sounds great - specifically looking forward to the Alien Soldier and Sega Robot video :) No hurry though - family comes first mate.


I can't wait for the future videos. Sounds really exciting.