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Hello Patreon peeps :) 

Wanted to get in touch and let you know about a few upcoming projects.



Patreon Q&A will be recorded this week. So, this your last chance... CLICK HERE! 



This weekends video will likely be this...



I will be attending EGX Rezzed this weekend :) let me know if any of you guys will be going too :D



This weekends Fact Hunt video from Larry Bundy Jr looks to be pretty awesome :) and I am editing it #KeepAnEyeOutForIt :)



Not done anything on this yet but I hope for next weeks video to be this...



This will eventually be a complete history which I have started working on :)



I want to do a video based on this Mega Drive Collection that is coming out, not 100% sure what to base it on and would love to get your opinions on ideas for the episode.

As I have never done a standard "TOP 10" type video I actually think it would be rather refreshing to do something like that, what do you think?



DISCORD is kicking off big time :) I cannot thanks you guys enough for your support (especially my patreons, Mike P, Andrew D, Creamy E & Patrick A. If anybody who is a patreon but is not marked as one then please DM any of us Admins and we will fix it.

The big new thing that we are looking at implementing within the next week is a Quiz bot for Patreons only (any tier) with the chance to win lotsa games :) CLICK HERE TO JOIN SO YOU DON'T MISS OUT 





Thank you all for being my Patreons :) Frikkin love having you here :)

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope




Hi DJ Slope. Excellent idea to the top ten. On the Megadrive collection that is coming out - would be good to have a video based on the best games in the different genres. Thanks for the great content.


I'd like to learn anygame even more so if its the genesis/mega drive i need to find more for my own collection.


Honestly top 10 videos do very well, many people will watch and the comments section sparks debate meaning more views and more ad revenue. Just make sure you add an interesting commentary about each game and why you chose it, and you are golden. (Personally I hate top ten style videos that just show clips with no context - though from your constant stream of excellent content I know that wouldn't be your style.) I just joined the Patreon yesterday as wanted to support your excellent content. Have not joined the Discord yet though as tbh I don't have a huge amount of spare time at the moment. Everything you are working on sounds great - Alien Soldier is a particular favourite of mine so looking forward to that one!


Part of me wants to just repeat my last Q&A question about when you're finally playing Yakuza... eh, why not.