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Heya Patreon Peeps :)

Hope you are all well, I am currently 99% tired! (not falling asleep but very close)

Sometimes I do not like children and last night was one of those nights!!!!

hahaha someone just offered me a coffee as I wrote this...

Right wanyway, talking about my crappy sleeping patterns... that's not why you guys are patreons...








So, my next video isn't actually just focused on Kickstarter. In fact the majority of the segments feature other crowd funding sites like IndieGoGo and GoFundMe :)

Basically it's focused on crazy conspiracy theories that have all failed! think Aliens, Secret government plans, end of the world scenarios and you are on the right track!

I would really like to feature 5 segments instead of 3 (as the titlecard suggests) and I think I have found my 4th. time will tell if I find 1 final segment :)

Anyway... I'm tired and rambling, here ya go ladies and gentlemen... 2 segments out of the 3, 4 or 5 eventual segments

The 1st one 

The last one 


I need to move these videos I just realized as I added them to the wrong YouTube account, let me know if the links do not work.

Anyway, other than that you got a nice unboxing going live tonight (this one)

And other than that I plan to get you guys a couple of exclusive videos based around a recent event i did with Professor Juice, Caddicarus and Did you know Gaming! #WatchThisSpace

Anyway guys, I gotta get on (almost run outta coffee) need to get bits sorted for the other 1-3 sections :D

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope




Looking forward to these thank you, looks very interesting. Try & get some rest. The first years are always the hardest, til the teens that is!

Slopes Game Room

hahaha Yes. I am not looking forward to when my little daughter brings home her 1st boyfriend!!!! I want them to be primary school age forever please... cool...awesome...KTHANKSBYE