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Hello Patreon Peeps :)

Just wanted to give you all a proper update and explaina few things if that is all cool :)



The next Q&A video is live and ready for you all to watch :) here 



I will be uploading a blackscreen records unboxing video (pretty much fully edited) going live at some point within the next couple of days



This weekend's video is going to be a shorter Quickshot episode and will feature the awesome Octav1ius Kitten :)



I am at Play Blackpool this weekend, which I am very excited about, be sure to keep an eye on my social media pages for plenty of pictures and possibly videos covering the event :)



Next weeks midweek video will be one of my Brave Wave Record Unboxings, this one, this one or this one 



next weekends video... I have not decided yet. BUT, I am thinking on doing another Kick-Scammer video. I have a cool idea that will twist the whole thing on its head where I look at the campaign owners that get screwed by the backers! it's a weird idea but I kinda like it :) Just need to make sure there is enough material to make a full episode #WatchThisSpace



That same weekend (17th Feb) I am at the Anime expo in London alongside other YouTubers Professor Juice, Caddicarus, Did You Know Gaming plus many many more and I have been asked to host a talk at the event AND THIS.... is what I have decided to talk about...

It's not finished yet, but when I get it to a good state I will indeed do a  couple of trial runs (which I will no doubt stream for any backer that is interested in watching) and once finished I will either upload a video from the convention or if its not good enough re-enact it and upload it as a video :)



IF YOU ARE NOT PART OF THE SLOPES GAME ROOM DISCORD, MAKE SURE THAT YOU CHANGE THAT! it is not only the quickest way to get updates but more importantly its full of awesome Backers + other YouTubers that are all pretty awesome :) CLICK HERE TO JOIN 

The reason I bring this up is because it is also the place were you guys can compete to win any of these digital prizes...

  •  1st place:  Choose a game that you want to see me play as an exclusive Patreon online let's play
  • 2nd place: Choose an old episode of mine that you would like to see me do a Patreon only commentary on
  • 3rd place: Choose the video game artwork for my next Q&A video
  • 4th place: Choose the video game music soundtrack you want to hear in my next Q&A video 

How do you win? by literally talking.... that's it! when you are the chat simply type "!rank" to see you score... the more you talk the more points you get and the top 4 people by the time I do my next Q&A will win the above "prizes"

It's nothing to take too seriously, just a bit of fun and a cool way for me to give you Patreon peeps a little something extra :D

The scores have now been reset, so there is a nice even playing ground for all



Here are some previous lets play's chosen be previous winners all to be found with the PATREON ONLY LIST OF RANDOMNESS 

And here are loads of recent commentaries on my previous video again fully Patreon exclusive :D  



Here is the link to next month's Q&A!


There ya go guys, updates a plenty. I'm gonna go as it's the last chance I have to edit this weekends Nintendo piracy video. I will do my very best to get it up for you before I leave for Blackpool in the morning :)

Mucho Love guys

-DJ Slope



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