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Hello patreon peeps,

You are probably fed up with me constantly going on about it but...


Every single night it gets harder to edit videos as I need to be by my wife's side during this hard time (she's struggling quite a bit) and therefor this weekends video will likely just be the Patreon QnA.

If you have not filled in the survey or would like to ask another question, then go ahead... HERE IS THE LINK 


Now, moving on... I am working on a few different videos currently that keep getting pushed back...

Sega Swirl: The Complete History (including exclusive gameplay footage of the never before seen on YouTube game Sega Swirl 2)

Captain Commando: The Complete History (which sadly no longer features Rerez as he's a very busy boy with his Kickstarter campaign and has now been replaced by this guy)

There is probably more I have spoke about too. I got so many unfinshed scripts like Pac-Man, Ristar, Power Stone, Dizzy and loads of new ideas for videos that keep popping up all the time that get added to my "ideas" document! 

I mean wood ya look at dis 4 chrice sake...

from what I can tell it was never released. However, looking at the date I am pretty sure this advert was put out before R.O.B. was released. hmmmmmmmm...


...Probably lol. 

Not sure of there is enough to go on here to make an video... perhaps a mid week Quickshot video, who knows... not me!


Anyway... I have been a busy boy lately working on yet another script based on a very weird Sega game that caught my eye...

This episode has been quite the rabbit hole. I have had to give myself history lessons on not only obscure Sega arcade hardware but also Japanese political history too... 

Seriously, it is that strange! 

If ya wanna know what it is just PM me, more than happy to let ya know if ya dont mind it being spoilt.

Either way, the script is written and has been recorded, the music has been added and the assets for the episode have already begun filling up my google drive. So, when I get some spare time I can finally start putting images to this strange video which will likely to go live next weekend (19th, 20th)

That is if Sonic Mania does not get in the way hahaha

In fact thinking about it, you will likely to get bombarded with SGR content this month thanks to that games special edition release, the DATA DISC release, The game review and hopefully the odd live stream too :D

So in total that is 7 or 8 videos which will likely all come out this month :D

Thank you as usual for all your awesome support. Looking forward to making August one hell of a memorable month :D

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope



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