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Snowy's Slot-In Sessions

With the Mage Academy series ending on June 30th, I will be starting a new piece of content - Snowy's Slot-In Sessions! These will be short quests/oneshots that focus on creating content for DMs in the level ranges of 1-10 for DnD5e AND PF2e. The idea is to minimise your prep and maximise playtime with importable FoundryVTT adventures right away! The first two, one today and one in July, will release for free. Thereafter, it will be paid member exclusive for Adept Arcanist and above! So what do you actually get as part of this?

Adept Arcanist tier

Adept Arcanists will receive the PDF version of the adventure alongside all of the maps they need to run it. You can check out a sample of the content here:

Adept Arcanist Sample Pack

Mage Master tier and above

All Mage Master's will also get exclusive access to the FoundryVTT module (V11 and V12 compatible), which allows them to import ALL of the maps with walls/doors/lighting, monsters, references, items, and journals, allowing you to minimise prep and enjoy playing.

5e FoundryVTT V11+: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pdikv8rm0x48c8hcfxrg1/module.json?rlkey=snfhlm13akkt6otygzwf1dlo5&st=t20bg5xj&dl=1

PF2e Foundry V11+: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8bmlpv4y6ds71nfkpuf18/module.json?rlkey=4n5haylehn95a30z8s7rsey8a&st=jaxezgxr&dl=1

Those that DM for PF2e, I am looking to make these similar (ish) to PF2e bounties, except a little bit longer, perhaps about 3 hours of gameplay! This one is based on the seven deadly sins and tests the party's 'goodness', in a way. :P

Feedback would be GREATLY appreciated! Happy DMing!



Didrik Svahn

This could be interesting, as adventures that can easily slot in pretty much any campaign is always welcome ^^