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It’s December… already!!

I truly want to thank you all for the support this year whether you’ve been here the whole time, or just joined us recently. It has been quite the rollercoaster for me personally as i’m sure I'll speak about it more openly at some point and Patreon has been that one sure fire thing as always. To have a wonderful community alongside that on Discord and Minecraft has been the absolute cherry on top. So keep being awesome and i’ll see you all soon in the New Year!

But first.. I’ve got some videos to churn out. Being ill the first week of December was NOT in my plans… oof! As for events and projects etc... It’s usual for these to slow down a tad due to a lot of commitments during the month for those that celebrate Christmas with family and friends. But I do wish you all a wonderful December nonetheless and a Happy New Year!!



The Community Trading Area is now open and taking on builders. So if you’d be interested in building a Villager a Home this Christmas, please be sure to pop by and lend a hand. They’re so very, very cold… yes, even in the Jungle!

(yes, do read this in the tone of one of those sad puppy adverts)

As it’s located just by Spawn Town you can access the area with more information at the location listed below. Everything is clearly marked and easy to get started with - but as always, if you have any questions please check the #community-projects Discord Channel and ask in #get-help for any other queries!

I’m SO excited to see everyones builds come together for it - and I'm sure the Villagers are too! They’re all wandering around with nowhere to go! lol

LOCATION: North Tunnel (Nether) @ 1125

MINECRAFT SERVER: Symmetria Survival Server



This is open and already bustling with life - so if you’re looking for a project and want to get into the Christmas Spirit, all are welcome to hop over and build. Whether that be a house, a mini game or something winter-themed. It’s up to you!

But be sure to enter in the Present Swap for the year - located just by the Christmas Tree built in the area. I’ve got to say, the builds already look incredible - can’t wait to see what else gets added through the month.



All other things are on hold till the New Year as I'm sure most will be busy, including myself. But if you have any suggestions of anything you’d be interested in - please let us know!

Till then, see you in 2024!



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