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So, since you guys are awesome I thought i'd let you know a bit of cool information that you guys can join in with before I make a video on it. So, i've been invited by Block News (A Cool Youtube Channel) to be their special guest for an episode. You guys have to chance to be in the audience for free - but you have to fill in the form on their website here: http://olivervscreeper.co.uk/blocknews/ It'll be at 11am BST on Monday 11th - which I know is short notice, but that should be ok :) If you can make it, then great - fill in the form and maybe have a question ready if they ask for one from the audience. If you can't make it then be sure to check out the interview/show on their Youtube Channel which will go live on the 22nd here: https://www.youtube.com/user/blocknewsminecraft (be sure to subscribe also for their awesome content) It would be great for you guys to be able to make it - I know it's short notice!! xD Thanks again for being awesome <3 - false


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