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Hello again Patrons! Seems like i've finally (about time) figured out how to properly use this website :) Anyways.. I have a question for you all - I've decided that aswell as a supporter plaque for those that have donated over the $5 perk I will also be adding a Minecraft Banner to your section. There are two options (you can only pick one): - A Minecraft Banner made of the flag of your country OR... - A Minecraft Banner of your choice - so you can send me a design you like that I can recreate, within reason (not using impossible blocks to collect like creeper heads etc) I'm going to leave this decision to you guys, so please leave a comment below with what you'd prefer :)



I think Patron's choice. I would personally like to have my own unique flag that I can pick out at a glance during your videos. And if they want their country flag they can have it instead.


A place to mess around with banners: <a href="http://algoin.de/bngn/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://algoin.de/bngn/</a> My banner design: <a href="http://algoin.de/bngn/?=4.0-tt.0-bt.12-cr.0-mr.15-mc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://algoin.de/bngn/?=4.0-tt.0-bt.12-cr.0-mr.15-mc</a>