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Written up the notes I took from our Meeting today - here's a general guide to what was bought up - any questions or things i've forgotten, message me on Discord - thanks!

Community Farms - These are currently in the process of being moved by DarkSolid further North. Beyond the Commercial District. If you’d like to help with these, contact Solid.

Border - Current world border (5500 diameter) will be moved to 7000 as soon as I hear back from CubedHost about an upgrade - just so I can keep lag at a minimum. If anyone has any issues with this, contact me. But it is most likely going to stay at this size till we hear news about the 1.11 update - allowing us to leave as much space as possible for future biome/overworld updates.

Nether - Lower (Community) Nether Hub is still in the design process but it going to be Train Station Themed. Design is on the Creative Server at around -1480, 450 if you’d like to take a look at it. BobGeorgethe3rd is the main guy to go to regarding this.

Top (Residential) Nether Hub is to be redesigned since the design by StrandedShade (Season Design) is deemed too unsafe to use.. With ghasts and all. Would be sad for it to get ruined by fire. This design will instead be used as a ‘in-floor’ design with glass above (to walk on), so that ghasts can freely spawn without anyone being in contact with them in the Season Hub.

This does mean that we need a new main top residential hub design to fit the top hub that has already been dug out. Feel free to discuss this in the Discord Chat.

Community Projects (Surrounding Town Hall) - A few ideas for this is in the works. Other than the River that is being built by FamilyCraft_Dad (contact him if you’d like to help out) we have a few build ideas, since the area is huge. More ideas welcome - just DM me.

ABBA Caving Building, UHC Monument, Treasure Hunt & Events Building, The Minecraft Experience (Museum).

Hotel/Past Patron Storage Room - Last season we had a building which was storage for past patrons items that they either left on plots that weren’t built on, or around the area. This was so that if they were to re-join (which a few do) they could easily get their stuff back. I thought i’d be a nice idea to claim a plot in the City & build something similar there, but taller.

Top Rooms (Private to only me) - Storage for Past Patrons.

Lower Rooms (Public) - For a small Hotel so that new members can have a place to stay nearby if they need somewhere fast/temporary.

Patron Perks - Mentioned briefly was the fact that i’m open to ideas for new Patron Perks etc.. and also any changes made with the server/discord/forum etc.

All in all I think it was a good meeting - if you think anything was missed, let me know. Feel free to come to me with ANY questions at all, and I will try to solve them as best I can.

Thanks again for the crazy support this month - and also to anyone that has been helping with community projects, helping new players - and anything else. :)

It doesn’t go unoticed!!

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