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Killing the Dragon together for the first time in a new Season has become somewhat of a tradition for our community - this Season is no different.

Although it has yet to be decided HOW we do this…

Previously we have had fish or snowballs - something low damage, but I'm open to suggestions in the replies below. The simpler/ lower the damage the better also as it prolongs the fight which will otherwise only last a minute and makes it FAR more entertaining.

DATE / TIME: Friday 14th January @ 8pm GMT

MINECRAFT SERVER: Symmetria Survival Server & Discord Voice Chat.

If you’d like to join us - please be in the voice chat 30 minutes beforehand so we can discuss/meetup on the Server at the correct spot. If you can’t talk for the event - please still make sure you’re in there listening to at least the beginning - otherwise you may not see what we’ll be using.

Questions? Ask in 'get-help' on Discord.

Thanks and see you there!!



I suggest using spyglasses as weapons, we'll want them for the advancement anyway. I should be able to provide enough of them for this.