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Hi all,

Just wanted to post a little update message here on Patreon.

As I'm sure we're all aware, I've been a little more absent than normal on the Server/Discord in the past couple of months. There are multiple reasons for this, but mostly IRL adult stuff - it's been taking up more of my brain space than normal recently (and we all know there isn't that much room up there lol). It's not something I'm going to go into detail about, but hopefully I'll be able to share more about it in the next couple of months - it's nothing bad, just time consuming.

I'm going to be making some more time for a few Patreon related things in the coming months though, which leads me onto something new & experimental - I'm hoping you guys are going to love it... 


Yes, it's something I've been wanting to do forever but never really got around to planning it out. As anything new, it's jumping into the unknown, so there is no knowing how popular this may be. All the details for dates/times/games etc are now listed in the new 'Games Night' Channel on our Discord.

Happy to hear your suggestions for games we can all play together - leave them in the comments below!

Hopefully things like UHC will be back soon, but until then, this should be fun!

Thanks as always for the support - it's helping me now more than ever before. Knowing you guys are there through all of the times, good or bad is really heart-warming.

Appreciate you all <3

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Ooh game nights sound fun :D


I absolutely love the idea, and I hope life starts treating you better soon ❤️


Now, you know I'm gonna say Starcraft II, but I don't know if "2h of random french kid carrying in tryhard space game" really is an entertaining concept...


Sounds like a lot of fun :falseHype:


That sounds like its gonna be fun! Looking forward to it