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So tomorrow is Christmas, and since myself and you guys will be super busy with things I thought i'd just post a quick message here to wish you all a Happy Holidays & a Happy New Year!

Thank you all soooo much for the amazing support this year - it has been incredible just meeting all of you wonderful people, let alone seeing the community grow around the server. I literally couldn't be living my dream job without you guys - and for that I am eternally grateful.

I look forward to catching you guys just after Christmas or in the New Year for more adventures, UHC, maps and just shenanigans in general :D

I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday & will see you all soon! <3


Quick note for those that may have missed it: 

- Jan 3rd - Extreme UHC

Please message me to be signed up for this and i'll add you to the list!

- Also, we'll be doing a meeting in the New Year regarding more awesome plans etc :)




Merry christmas, False, may you get all that you wish for. You might want to check your steam &lt;3


All the best wishes to you.


Merry christmas


Merry Christmas! &lt;3


Have a lovely day with your nearest and dearest. Thanks for a jam-packed December of top-quality entertainment.


Thank you False for keeping me busy watching your vids and streams. Hope you have had a good Christmas. x