List of Incoming Comics (Patreon)
During this month I've worked a lot on many different comics that I'm making for you. Some of those will be collaborations exclusive for you and my collaborator's supporters, while others will be released outside this website, but with a lower resolution.
The sketches of those comics have different colors as backgrounds so you don't mix them up and in the descriptions there will be the names of the artists who will work on them with me.
For now I'll be uploading just the WIPs of the pages, but they will be completed with colors further on.
I also wanted to remind you that if you want to see any particular ship or if you have any comic you want to suggest me, just let me know in the comments and I'll add them to the list of my potential comics.
Comics on my list:
♥ “Princess Luna x Princess Twilight” (Collaboration with Cold Blooded Twilight)
♥ “Big McIntosh x Marefriends” (Collaboration with Cold Blooded Twilight) - This comic will be exclusive to Patreon
♥ “Ballgagged Celestia” (Waiting for the collaborator's confirmation)
♥ “Princess Twilight x Flash Sentry” (Collaboration with FallenInTheDark) - This comic will be exclusive to Patreon
♥ “Fun in the Sun” (Collaboration with FallenInTheDark) – This summer themed comic will be released online and there will be YCH slots ( ), but our Patrons can request a free background appearance of their OC. The slots will be NSFW, while the background characters will SFW and decided by us. If you want to request your free appearance in this comic write to me at:
♥ “Dreams” - This comic won't be a collaboration and will start when “Double Cuddles” will be completed (it's the pony OC comic, "Pony OC slots").
Some of the titles are temporary.
You can follow the streamings of some of those comics here:
Or on my YouTube channel: My YouTube
If possible, I'd like to do a livestream everyday.
Other comics on my list: