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Hello, guys. I want to be transparent. I hit a period as of now in my life where I’m unable to continue doing Patreon as of now and continuing forward. I cannot prioritize it where my life at as of now. As you may have noticed from the lack of content, I find it disingenuous to make promises that I cannot keep. I will be pausing billing indefinitely I’ve got things I need to prioritize and give my focus towards. I don’t think I’ll spark this page back up, but I will leave it up for a while until I take it down.

Again, billing will be at a halt, as well with my sketches. I’ll be releasing the last files for “the thing” for $10 tier before the day ends.

Thank you for being encouraging and supporting me thus far. I will keep creating within my personal means, meaning I’m unsure what I’ll decide with my Twitter account, but there is still decisions to make with that as well.

Take care, happy Saturday.



Damn, that’s a real shame. So sudden. And it really felt like things were just heating up. Was looking forward to seeing where you’d go.


I hope everything works out for you droog. Its okay to scale back. I know it can be hard to balance life and so much drawing.