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  • BowelIncontinence.mp3
  • BowelIncontinence.mp3



Wearing diapers will not make you incontinent. If you pee or mess at first urge not attempting to hold it over time the body may become conditioned to let go at first urge.

The more you’re in diapers, the more your body and mind will acclimate to just letting go. Incontinence is a long winding road getting to a place you can feel most comfortable with it. It wont happen overnight, but it surely will in due time!

Let’s start with a test:

Pee in your pants right now. I mean RIGHT now.

Did you do it? If Yes, then you are on the right track. If you don't . . . maybe it was not convenient . . . then you don’t really want this. This is what incontinence is. You don’t get to choose when you let go.

Bowel incontinence can happen at any time, so it’s important to always be prepared. You can use the toilet before leaving your home and wear an incontinence pad or an adult diaper for extra security. With bowel incontinence, you may not always be able to make it to the restroom in time. Make sure you pack a bag with plenty of incontinence pads and adult diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes to take with you when you leave the house.



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