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Clowns won for the June poll! And I'm sure there is nothing that has happened in recent media to influence that! But regardless, here's the rough draft it! Decided to go with a two panel, and despite already having like, idk three(?) clown girl designs to use I wanted to try and go for another one since those last ones never really sat right with me.




I'm going to be honest, the recent Ace Attorney animation isn't the reason I suggested a clown girl scenario. The reason is I just like how you do clown girls and I wanted to see more (especially since it's been a little while)

Slugman Octavio

Sorry if it came off like I was discrediting your prompt! I meant it more from the poll results stand point but I guess Clown Girls are just always in season lol


That's ok. I guess for me it was just lucky that I suggested that prompt at this time. But yes all year is clown girl season