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Hello everyone! Now that I am back at animating and releasing animations again, I am thinking of completely overhauling all tiers to something new.

Currently I have tiers for different resolutions of animations being 1$ for 720p, 3$ for 1080p and 5$ for 4K animations. I am thinking of changing tiers for 2$ for renders/pictures and future benefits and 5$ for all animations in all resolutions! And don't be worried if you're a current patron thinking you'll have to pay more than before or lose your benefits, since I will change it so anyone subscribed to any tier currently will have access to all future animations in all resolutions.

The main reason for this change would be that all animations are just one singular post, instead of dividing comments and feedback to different resolutions of animations. It also causer clutter with every animation having 3 different copies on my patreon page. 

Thank you for the continued support! And let me know what you would think of this change. 

Also, new music video animation featuring Salazzle coming later today ;)


Lone Wolf Survivor

Just let me know when you are increasing it, so I can pick a higher tier, I'm under 4.50 CAD, so it would be the 3 dollar one. Meaning if I don't switch to the 5 USD tier (however much that is for me, like 7.50 probably) I will probably lose the animation access like you said.


You won't be losing any access to animations at all :) You will only be gaining access to the future animations in all resolutions including 4K and keeping your access to the old animations under your tier (being 1080p). I will make the old tiers inaccessible so no one can join, but anyone who remains on them can keep their access.