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Pearl, the characters I played in Tore Nielsen‘s game of Rats in the Walls. I had a great time playing her. The game session had a great True Detectives vibe.

« Life didn't turn out the way you’d planned. That doesn't mean it isn’t good, just different. You met Cora when you both studied to become a vet, and you had it all planned out. You’d run a vet clinic together somewhere in upstate New York. You could grow old with Cora, and never get tired of her beauty and her strident attempts to do right by all living creatures.
Well, a man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps as the book says. Cora had nephritis. She just figured that the joint and muscle pain was from work and exercising. Too busy with life to run to the doctor, your Cora. She was diagnosed, but too late.
Finishing your education seemed pointless at the time, but you did go to upstate New York. Silver Bay is a place where there aren’t too many distractions from the inside of your mind. It is quietly beautiful without being overwhelming. You have grown into a smaller life than you had imagined, but it is a good one. You work with animals, which you love. You drink a bit, but that can’t be helped. »

I am playing again today. :) 

Hopefully this will refresh my gaming inspiration. <3



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