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I think I was pretty productive this month. Lets look at my objectives:

+ Finish 16 illustrations for Marvels & Malisons [done] 

+ Finish 8 other commissioned illustrations.  [6 sketchs done, I am working on the final versions] 

+ Advance the Doodle Temple upgrade. [I made good progress, I need to draw more altars and pools and after that I will start writing random tables for each illustrations]

+ Take notes for a futur Insects of Shaggai zine. [that was put on hold] 

+ Advance or finish the Slime pit zine. [I finished drawing the main map but I need to draw adjacent rooms]

+ Start working on Chromatic Soup 03: The Moon! [I still have to re-activate the project]

+ Start a monthly non gaming comic book & illustration zine to reach my non-gamers friends. [I sketched a cover but I was not able to find the time to draw material for it]

Other stuff I did:

I drew a cosmic map that was collectively keyed on G+. I need to assemble all the contributions into a PDF

I drew some 3 illustrations for Tristesse, a local literary zine (free work).

I worked on a illustration for a other local zine (not finished yet) (free work again). 

I worked back a bit on my Orbital Trash Piles playset for Machiato Monsters, revised some old Biomega stuff, I posted a list of 100 mutations on my BlossomHammer blog, I drew a map of Americao Anomalies, oh and I also took some notes for my Orbital Trash Piles cards game project. 

I also had to deal with some transphobic discourse from my mom and I was able to overcome my anxiety and I launched a Go Fund Me campaign to be able to progress through my transition. 

And I naturally I did some cool random illustrations:



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