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Hi guys, I've been very uncomfortable and stressed out lately so I need to postpone the release for a while, unfortunately I won't be able to finish this pack any other way. 

June started very stressful for me and I could not fully concentrate on drawing exclusive pages and versions because of some events in my life, also I got sick and a couple of days ago I found a spoiled PSD file (among the exclusives for Haley)…
It's a bad luck combo! So I'll have to re-draw the almost finished exclusive pages for Haley. 

I really hope you're all understanding and you aren't too upset about this! Maybe I'll post the pack earlier than June 25th if I can, but I've purposely set aside time reserves in case I end up also getting abducted by aliens or something like that. 

Thank you for your attention, sorry again and have a nice day! <З



From Elsweyr

We get there when we get there! Thanks for the update Aroma, you’re crushing it.


Sorry to hear about the stress, take your time and most importantly take care.


Take all the time you need and heal/rest up!! Stress is horrible and exhausting!!


Hope it turns around mental health is important!


Things happen that beyond our control. That's life, don't worry about. Take a couple deep breaths and drink some tea/coffee. Everything will be fine.

Nero Gerosa

It's alright. But if you do get abducted by Aliens, please tell us that story.


It starts to hurt when you can relate to the pain seeing hours of work gone.


Relax and enjoy your time off and hopefully your situation gets better


Hope you're doing ok, take care of yourself


Take care of yourself. Burning yourself out is not worth anything.


I've said it before, your art is worth the wait! And it's not more important than yourself. So please, take the time you need. And if you ARE abducted by aliens, I'm hoping that's in July's pack 😁

Ray Richards Thought Ray

That stinks. I'm sorry. I hope you can make your art while feeling great.


Hope you feel better don’t burn yourself out🫡

Mikel Thrasher

Sorry you are going through so much right now Aroma. I hope things get better for you going forward and you get to feeling better also. No worries on the delay. You've had a rough couple months. Before that you were stellar in your timetables. I think we can cut you more than enough slack for some issues cropping up. It will be worth the wait as always. Don't stress. It will be okay.


Take a Vacation and take care of yourself. Get well soon


"I LOVE ADOBE! I LOVE HOW MUCH IT FUCKS ME!" lol Take your time Always remember to drink water and take a break every so often


Hydration is key to getting better. Soups are also a great remedy for sickness. Your health mental or physical should always come first!


No problem. You are the best


Take care of yourself aroma, we can wait

Meepers Jeepers

Sorry to hear that Aroma sensei take your time you and your health are more important


It’s ok! Look after yourself sensei


No worries mate! Take your time ☺️




Definitely don’t stress. We know you are good for fantastic art and being late is no big deal for me…hell, I feel like I am always late…lol.

Sadious Syzmeer

Take your time and I wish you only the best things in the coming months


Take all the time you need!


Take the time you need and take care of yourself


We are here to support you and are excited to see what you bring to us no matter when it rolls in!


Your PSD file wanted to celebrate pride month and turned into a LGBT flag hehehe ! Don't stress out, it's all for fun. Take your time and it'll be ready when it'll be ready :)


Always take care of yourself first, we understand. Sending good energy your way!


Take your time, I care more about a healthy creator and quality content


Thank you for all your hard work, but as others have said please take your time and look after yourself first!


It's very silly to say but I have the impression that the months of May and June are cursed for a lot of artists. Like you, health, computer doing "Game Over", MEGA losing everything.. another form of happiness.. for the masochists of course. Like all those who have already written you, I give you all my support, take care of your health and a big virtual hug unlike our friendship (of all) which is very real.


What everyone else said ❤️