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Hello, my Dear patrons!

First of all, I want to thank you guys for being with me. It gives me a lot of energy and confidence in my creativity! The second thing is that it was very difficult for me to write this text because I have a limited knowledge of English. But I am working on it!

Brief summary of what will be in this big text:

-My little story. 

-A new look at art. 

-My gratitude to you!

-Exactly 3 years I am drawing erotic.

-This is the 3 year anniversary!

You may have noticed that I am less active now as of a couple of months ago. I’m a little embarrassed, but there are reasons for that. I don’t want to make excuses, I just want to talk to you sincerely. I want you to know my thoughts and emotions. I want to be a bit closer with my patrons. Therefore, I will try to tell you about my feelings, as far as I can. 

Right before the quarantine, I wasn’t in my home country. But in February I felt the need to get back home or I'll be stuck for a long time. So, I flew home by plane. When the quarantine started, some very unpleasant things happened to my relatives. This meant I had to move again. Moving is very hard for me and I feel a little lost at this time. 

At that time, I started hiding from the whole world for a huge amount of work. I had never drawn in that state. I didn’t want to think about what’s going on in my life, so I started to draw for 10-15 hours, every day for 3 months. For the first 1.5 months it seemed to me that everything was cool. I think only about drawing since it helps me stay less stressed. 

But in the end I am very tired. My immobile body started to give up. I’m tired both mentally and physically. My perfect eyesight has dropped and other health problems have become more evident. I forgot not only about problems, but also about my body.I`m very demanding to myself. I didn`t know to pity myself. This feeling of self-hate has always been with me. I always had to prove something to myself. To do more. Make it better. No pity and no love to myself. You know, I write and my tears are almost flowing. Looking back, I understand how sick my mind was.  And I`m happy that I realized it and now I am in love. I feel love for myself. I want to continue to make progress in drawing and make the hottest and sexiest content for you!

Getting back on topic...Since I painted more, more and more people saw my art. More subscribers appeared and with them came the haters of my art. I have seen criticism in my direction before. I have a normal attitude towards it. I know that my drawings are far away from ideal. But at that moment, dirty comments overlapped constructive criticism. For me, it was amazing. Amazingly sad haha. My drawings are like my children. In general, at that moment it really upset me. Also, I didn`t get support from my friends on this occasion and I felt a little lonely. Of course, in the end I`m very grateful to some people who criticized me. I`m very happy that even among the garbage, I was able to find important advice for myself. This is a step forward.

A year ago I had a feeling and a desire to make something more than pictures. So I made the decision to draw comics! So my goal was to make best comics as I can, good enough to jerk off on it!:D (It was the meaning of my life) Something that can distract you from reality and immerse you in something nice, beautiful, sweet! In a care-free and dirty world. 

Unfortunately some people don't understand how important something can be for someone else. Just unhappy and lonely people that I can't be angry or offended with. I forgive them. I even love them. But for many reasons my attitude towards art, has changed. 

I became more conscious and I feel that I was doing a lot of things not from my heart, but because it was necessary. Now I don`t want to draw like this. I want to give you only true love. Only the truth. I`m not so active right now, I need time to restore my mana, because I worked so hard for so long. I had a while to rethink my art and what meaning I put in there. My worldview is being rebuilt. The world around me becomes different. It's as if I woke up after a long sleep. The full understanding of what I want to do can`t be formed right away. 

I hope you understand me.^^ I want only the best for you. Perhaps, there will be more original content. I hope you and me will be interested and have fun in this journey. 

Thank you for being with me! Because of you, I can draw at my own pace! You are such caring and understanding people. I write this because I know it. Thanks to you, I can pay for my rent and food! I can maintain my health and even rest. Recently I bought a new monitor. It's so beautiful! I like it so much, I am very happy! I love you! I love you with all my heart! Your support is the best and for that I am grateful, it's a declaration of love for my art. It is unbelievable...

I`m unbelievably happy! Thank you! 

I translated this text for about 4 hours. Then my brilliant omega Chad of a gamer boy; Funnaycrap, edited it! (Editor's Note: Totally not overblown from what was actually said)         
I would also like to add that if I'm always very quiet, it's just because I don't understand English well and I don't want to write you some rambling nonsense. I would like to be completely connected with you, but alas so far I'm not. I`ll try and work on it.

Thank you for your attention, for your love and faith for my art!

Now about the art that I drew. This art is a kind of promise to bake the most delicious cakes for you! In August 2017 I quarreled with my mom, left home, quit from my job, transferred to another department at the Art Academy and decided that I will draw eroticism. It was fun haha. For me, it was the beginning of something lovely. This is a self-portrait of Aroma\me :D

P.S. Don't think that I have such big melons :D It's just for art!





She's beautiful AromaSensei ☺ we love you too! 💕💕

Oscar Rodriguez

We love you!!! Sorry about all you had to go through!!! Stay strong!!! One question?? What is your native language?


Wowowow i want more !


You are the best! Keep up amazing work and never give up.


To think that there would be people that don’t like your art. Reminds me about all what happened about Uzaki chan and what they said about not being a realistic drawing. All i can say is let them talk, you said that there were more and more people supporting you and that is sign that you are doing your work very well. As long as you continue drawing i’ll keep supporting. Also, thank you for your hard work, i really appreciate your dedication to it and the effort put in doing creative situations, clothes and every detail. We love you too.


Beautiful and sexy, wonderful

Raven the Android Goddess

I always love your content and I am happy to support you!!! 💜 Stay strong!!! Your art is always worth waiting for!!! 😉



Conall Brown

The art and you are beautiful, I am happy you are getting time.to.work on yourself I hope things keep improving. And you say you art is far from ideal i say it is exactly perfect.


Your drawings are the best ! Thank you for your work ! My English is also bad . So we're on the same page😁(Я из России) Good luck😉 Oh, l almost forgot... You're sexy😏


Its been a pleasure to support ya. Thank you for this and every wonderful piece of art ya make!


Digital tablets always add a cup size or two 😜 Hope things start to look up for you! ♥️


Happy 3 year anniversary to you here on Patreon. I'm glad to have found your page and that I'm able to support your work. I'm sorry to hear about all the troubles you've been through and I'm happy to hear that you're in a better headspace now. Continue to have a positive attitude and keep up all the amazing work that you do. Have yourself a lovely rest of the week 😀


I keep it simple: You and your art are AMAZING! KEEP GOING! we appreciate you!


Love you work so much aroma your the best remember that 😘😊 also would you consider you consider doing witcher art or ATLA or Legend Of Korra please. ☺️☺️❤️❤️ Your the queen of art we love you xxxx


Thank you so much Sergio! 💖 Very important words for me ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)

Ludwig Bonte

Wow You’re honesty is literally so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this very inspiring piece of hard work (with all the translation stuff and writing down all the emotions) Take care lady Ann. And thank you for all your work! Peace


Благодарю от всего сердца)) Я не из России, но русский родной язык :D


Thank you Darius! I am very happy there are such understanding people here! 🥰


Hey just so what you need to do. Prioritize yourself


I’m so blown away by everything. I wish you many blessings and count on my support

jo holloway

*big hug* we love you and your art, your beautiful personality and now your stunning looks as well. We are here for you, and we know that your art’s only getting better! Know that you can come to us if your feeling physically or mentally less than well, we will support you as best we can. Keep being you, your beautiful.


Thank you for sharing this with us! I know it isn't easy to speak from the heart, especially in a different language from the one you used growing up. I'm very glad to hear that you have a chance to do the work you want to do, and it's a pleasure to help out. You more than deserve it - there aren't many artists who will put out dozens of alt versions of the same pictures every month just to make sure everyone gets what they want. Happy three-year anniversary, and here's hoping to many more! P.S. 😍


You are very welcome, keep up the good work and im certain that you'll have our fullest support with everything. Keep on being yourself, and chase every bit of happiness that you can. We're rooting for you, always.


Always take the time you need to make sure your health, both physical and mental, are cared for. Don't ever feel the to apologize for caring for yourself. Your health is far more important than the opinion of others. Don't overwork yourself. :)

Goerge Constanza

Art takes time— Monet grew his gardens before he painted them Do what you can when you feel you are able to do it. We will be waiting patiently. :) I've always admired your art and the directions you take them, shows that you have passion, and that is inspiring. Rest, recover, and don't let the fire go out. ❤️


Haters do what haters do! U have us and thousands of fans more and we love u! Sorry for hearing about ur family, my deepest condolences. BUT ur art is amazing, u r amazing and hot damn if that u!!!! Looks a bit like Victoria Hillova but I think that just adds on the hotness😂 STAY STRONG! ♥️


Art this well done is easy to support, my question is who hates seeing beautiful women being sexy ?! Pay no mind to people who cant see the good stuff 😉🤙

Old One

Your art is my favorite! Ignore those that want to hurt you - you are better than them.


I've been a patron for all most 3 years now, and you have never ceased to create excellent work. Your dedication to your craft is admirable, so don't ever stop pushing through.


Thank you for sharing your story :) <3


Happy Anniversary! And thank you for the story. People are always going to complain and hate or leave bad comments especially about erotic art. That's the nature of people who are jealous or who want to Critique but don't know how or who just are prudish. "Everyone's a Critic" is the saying and on the internet, "Everyone's a bad Critic" is more accurate. I know another artist having this exact issue, just do your best to keep in mind that if they took their time to write something here on Patreon they also had to pay you money for that privilege, take those dollars and forget about the rest. Your art is amazing and your story's are both well written and drawn. You have my support and that of everyone else who pays month after month. Sure, we might not be the most active people in the comment, but just look at it this way. You have 1601 Supporters here, how many bad comments do you see in a single month? Unless its more than 16 just on Patreon alone (and from what I see its far, far less) that's not even 1%, its a rounding error. The vocal minority will never equal the appreciation of the Silent Majority. We're all here with you.


Happy 3 year anniversary❣ No matter what you do i will still me here to supporting you!!!


Your work is fabulous Aroma! Thank you for your honesty. You didn’t have to write this, but it speaks to your character that you did. Life is a roller coaster and we support you — so take time for yourself when you need it! Your health is most important, we can be patient for your excellent art. Wish you the best~


You are awesome! I started coming here for the amazing RWBY artwork, but all of your art is amazing and awesome! Congrats on the three years, and I hope you get to keep doing what you want to do!

Michael Hannan

Take all the time you need, we love you! I hope you feel better, and if not then I hope you get better! <3

Draven Shadow

Stay strong friend! You're an amazing talent and we got your back! 😁👍


Everything will be cool! I and other Patrons are with you :) World is a cruel place, but you-you will be strong! ^.^


Glad you finally took the time to look after yourself. I know how hard it can be to give yourself a break, especially when you are doing something for other people. Please know that we are here to love and support you!


Love your works, and so glad you are taking care of yourself more now.


I love your style, I love your work, but I truly want you to take care of the most important person in the world...you! Draw as little to none that you need to put yourself back together.


I feel like you need a time-out again, like in July this year. You better just go for it.


Thx for sharing and best of luck and health for you!


Ngl I thought Aroma Sensei was a cat, was disappointed it wasn't the cat making the cake.


I completely agree with your comment! Thank you for your words! You really know what you're talking about! 💖 💖 💖 ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)


On July I didn`t take a break, I actually draw a lot. :D Whatever. But I don`t need a rest now. I am in good condition! Thank you!

Logan Paul

Glad you're in a better place right now. Love your work and keep doing it the way it makes you happy!


We all love the work you do. It is hard to ignore the haters but those types of people hate and are offended by anything that just exists. We love your art, we love your comics, and we all love you for the hard work you put in for all of us. Thank you and much love! 🥰😁💕💕💕💕💕


Happy Anniversary!! I’ve been here for a while and I’m in love with your art, thank you so much for everything and keep it real, just do what you love and share your gift with the world, like everything there will be people who appreciate your work and people who doesn’t. PD: I would love to know what’s your main language and where are you from??


Take care of yourself. I’m a new subscriber but had seen your work for a while. It’s all excellent. I think you are one of the top people doing this stuff.


Also thanks for disclosing a bit about yourself. The online erotic comics and illustration world is strange and fascinating in that it’s almost all artists working under pen names and there is so little info about who is who and what people’s lives are like.


Personally, I don't feel ya owed us any explanation, but the fact that ya chose to be open 'bout your challenges is much 'ppreciated. Ya don't need to be so hard on yourself.Not everyone will care; at times, it can feel like no one does, even yourself. That, however, don't make you or your work any less worth lovin'. We are all here 'cause we love your beautiful heart


"beautiful ART" is what I meant to say 'fore I accidentally hit every all the wrong buttons. But posts like this also help us 'ppreciated your beautiful heart as well. Ya make sure ya take care of yourself. <('-')>


Thank you so much for your comment! I am very pleased to read such kind words!<З


Люди что без зазора готовы плюнуть на чужое творчество, мало чего стоят. Таких нет смысла слушать, это не критика, а лишь демонстрация своей тупости. Спасибо за секси-прекрасное творчество!! Будь дальше такой же веселой и искренней как сейчас, это цепляет)) Счастья, вдохновения и сил тебе <З


Спасибо больше за понимание!! За секси-прекрасное творчество!:D И конечно спасибо за подписку <З


i love your art and style, the full range of possible "alter"-versions of pictures and more. They all look so well that i can tell there went a lot of work in your art. It shows that u love art and that u have a good heart with always beeing honest here. if you need to take time off - do it! We will wait and support you nonstop ♥


Loving the new art style and this OC (Original Creation) that you made! Hope to see more of these soon! :D


Aroma take care of yourself and with that you'll continue to create incredible art and thank you for what you have brought forth.

Frank Kuschmann

Your beauty is just overwhelmed seductive. Thanks for your ever magnificent paintings Aroma!