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Hello my patreons welcome to a new year. Since it's the new year I'll be redoing all my patreon tiers and doing a general over haul. Mainly because I increase my general prices every 6-8 months or so and new year = new me.

This includes redoing all my patreon tiers.  Such as monthly commissions. Now because of recently I bitten off more than I could chew so they have to go for next month atleast till I catch up.

Now IMPORTANT thing to note for all of my patreons whom I still have to do their commissions I have not forgotten and I still have you in my queue for them. Reference here. https://trello.com/b/YOlSTVS3/redstamp 

So if I still owe you a commission don't worry I have you down and I'll still be getting to you. 

Until I'm fully caught up with my commissions this tier will be just gone till further notice. 

I'll be deleting my current tiers and reset everything up within the next 1-2 days after this post.

Now if you'd like to still be my patreon feel free to join in again. But come back and join maybe the 29th or 30th when I have everything edited the way I want it for now.

But again I'd like to thank you all for supporting me this year and I hope you all have a good next year too.


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