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Featuring @LiviaBlue_ffxiv 

It had been a long week since Nishka had arrived in Ishgard. She already had a lot on her plate day-to-day as a merchant, crafter, and Matriarch of her house, and she handled all that just fine... but the insistence towards scheming by the Elezen aristocracy often put even the Monetarists of Ul'dah's plotting to shame.

While most of her fatigue was due to boredom of their tedium, she found great relaxation within the baths of the Empyreum nonetheless. She was finally alone, after being pestered for days-on-end by Elezen practically knocking down her door to forge another deal, share a little gossip, or just 'mingle' with what they considered a high profile noble. She had to elude them by slipping free of her estate in the dead of night, but a Primal Vii was not averse to far less sleep than most humanoid creatures; a trait developed for long hunts that never faded.

"Ahhh~" she thought to herself, feeling the heated water slowly caress her body thanks to the marvelous fountains. "Mayhap, this whole journey has been worth it?"

Nishka, however, was mistaken.

Her journey to Ishgard would prove fruitful and enjoyable for more reasons than she anticipated, but she was not 'alone'. Sitting across from her, having arrived and slipped into the baths, was an Au'ra woman. Nishka had sensed her in proximity, but presumed she was a resident passing by. The displacement of the water had gone unnoticed due to the constant splashing of the water, and the ripples from her entry were hidden beneath.

Having gotten in and moved aside to find a spot, the two could barely have sight of each other around the central fountain. A mere moment passed before Nishka caught eyes with the beauty, and the reaction was immediate.

Livia had come to the baths herself to find some rare comfort. As a general rule of thumb, most Au'ra weren't particularly fond of being cold in the best of times, so being trapped in layers of clothing while she was staying for a family visit wasn't exactly 'ideal'. She had practically swooned days ago when she first saw the heated pools, wanting to free her generous figure from the tight fabrics and warm away the shivers on her skin and scales.

Although their relaxation had been mutually interrupted, neither women were too bothered by the interference. Nishka gazed upon the luscious breasts of the mysterious blue dragoness, and Livia couldn't help but feel a clench in her core when she saw the vivacious cock of her admirer grow turgid and break the surface of the water.

Wordlessly, the two knew what they wanted. Nishka stroked her shaft with a fingertip teasingly as Livia climbed out of the baths, making sure to lean and present herself as she did so. She gave a lewd smirk as she swayed her wide hips side-to-side, making her way to the saunas and throwing water atop the heatstones.

Nishka followed her inside soon after, and they both stared in a moment of surprise. Neither had anticipated the difference in their build. To be fair, Nishka towered over most people, but this sultry Au'ra was something else. When the excitable Vii had seen her from across the pool in low light, albeit through the steam and rippling waters, Livia's generous bust and hourglass figure had made her seem... larger?

Livia gasped and looked startled when she came to realize what she had gotten herself into, but her gaze drew down to the gently-throbbing horsecock that was partially presented at her face height. She felt heat rush to her cheeks and labia, blushing in more ways than one. Nishka herself didn't have her shaft shuddering for no reason; even as small as she was, Livia's figure was one which screamed fertility.

There was something to this, of course, since Livia already had a child of her own. In fact, it had proven to affect her mannerisms around those she found attractive. She often referred to herself as 'Mommy' and talked to both potential and persistent lovers as if they were children to be given care and affection.

Nishka prowled forward as Livia moved partially away from the heatstones, going down to the floor and submitting to the giantess that loomed over her. She spread her legs and cooed invitingly, and the rowdy bun spared no time before obliging, rubbing her shaft back and forth across the lips and clitoris of the tiny azure bombshell.

Livia briefly worried about whether she could take the bunnygirl horsecock that stroked her, but she soon put such thoughts out of her head as Nishka pushed the flared head inside with a groan of ecstasy.

They would be in that sauna for hours, slapping skin and panting in pleasure, saved from passing out only by the nearby stone window airing the steam free and letting in gentle breezes.

It wasn't long before Livia would sense the nearing release of her partner, and call out a warning. It was a dangerous day to have somebody release inside her fertile pussy, and she suspected this strange Viera might be a bit more virile than the average lover. She was overwhelmed by mixed emotions when Nishka shot back a quip that told her intentions.

It seemed the amazonian luperine lover somehow had realized Livia was fertile this evening. She had put her in a mating press anyway, having no qualms about breeding with the buxom dragoness, and no hesitation about potential consequences if she pumped her seed inside... a fact made obvious when she intentionally pushed balls deep before bursting hot, thick precum inside that knocked up the squirming Livia on-the-spot.

The sensation of the hot mating mess slapping up against her cervix made the choice easy. Caution thrown aside, Livia called out to be made a mother again. This drove Nishka into a mating frenzy, and the dragoness' body responded with the desire for a brood to call her own. She clapped down on the rear and thighs of her surprising new mate until she felt as if her soul was going to escape her body through her shuddering shaft, rammed down to the hilt, and screamed as she blew hosings of seed that thumped into the womb walls of Livia, impregnating the little Au'ra with six half-breeds.

She pulled free when she felt the pressure of the packed-in, sticky mess had filled her new mate completely, stroking her massive member to splatter the excess all over Livia. The attractive sight of the white jizz across the blue skin of Livia was almost like modern art, captivating as the Au'ra panted and it drizzled across her form.

Livia was beside herself with complex emotions. This was one of the most fun nights she'd ever had, but she was almost sure she had been knocked up by a rambunctious lover whom she didn't even have a name for!

Yet... somehow... that made it so much better.



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