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Hi everyone, here we have the last model from 2023, Panthro from the Thundercats, i couldn't be more happy with the awesome releases 2023 had, couldn't be more happy with the great and skilled community we have become !

i'm really grateful with each and all of you people, you are the reason i can keep working in our toys the way i do, thanks you, i wish you all a wonderful end of year celebration !! 2024 will be more awesome !!

Panthro / Thundercats / Assembly  (Download Link at the end of the post)

Height : 13 cm

The files are compressed in a Rar file, decompress it to obtain the STL files, WinRar is a free software you can download from google

Assembly : Filament & Resin. / Can be scaled up

If you are having troubles keeping the parts from falling from the bed use a raft.

Don't add extra supports to the files, there are not needed and it will cause troubles.

Important: Some small parts like the hands can be challenging, print it slow at 30 mm/s even 20,    200 is a good temp for the nozzle

Print the files at 40 mm/s (speed) faster than than will cause problems especially in Print in Place models, Nozzle temp between 205 and 215 and use your plastic Flow (Extrusion Multiplier in Simplify 3D) at 0,90 so the parts can fit correctly

Print your own articulated action figure in pla filament and resin

-Print in a glass bed using any hold hair spray (this is optional, but we've been printing this way for years, nothing give you better looking and flat first layers)

Have a nice weekend people!!


Plastic Flow / Extrusion Multiplier = 0,90

Primary Layer Height = 0,1600 (mm)

Top Solid Layers= 9

Outline/Perimeter Shells= 2 / 3

Temperature= 215°C  / 205° (it's up to you)

Default Printing Speed= 40,0 mm/s

Outline Underspeed= 40%

Infill Percentage= 12% (or more, it's up to you)

-Valentin Decall -




can you send me this file. When I opened it "no archives found."


i sent the files to your mail bro, usually that can be fixed just downloading the file again, rar files can get corrupted sometimes in the download


can you share details for printing use CURA?


I don't use Cura so i can't help you properly, but the speed at 40 mm/s should get nice results in almost every printer, nozzle temp: 200 bed temp: 50, and one of the most important settings, the plastic flow must be in 90%