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Second head is ready !




Whoooo when is this dropping I already ordered my filament


Very cool. Hey, I was wondering if you’d mind sharing tips for how you finish these? Do you sand, prime, paint? Different filament colors? Little of both?


Hi Eric ! thanks bro, i print slow so i don't get to much horizontal lines in the prints so i dont sand, sanding takes away all the cool details so i avoid it, if you print slow and don't use supports you'll get cool smooth prints, i paint direct on the PLA, pretty standard acrylic paints nothing fancy, i just put water until the paint doesn't leave texture on the 3D print, and i paint several layers until i get a solid color, if the part is red i print it in red, if the part have some details i paint them, and i use varnish in spray mate, its abbreviated but thats pretty much all