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Hi Skull islanders, i have a couple of tips for you regarding overall quality, speed, overhangs and supports.

We achieve almost resin quality with our stock ender 3 farm (we have more than forty ender 3) and i never had modified any of them, i print with the stock layer fan

Well, this matter boils down to a simple question, do you want it fast? or do you want it nice? Because you can't have both (unless you have a Voron printer)

Can really FDM printers achieve almost resin quality? yes, of course, you only have to print slow

Every picture you saw of our work has been printed with a stock ender 3 pro 3D printer, just the way they come from factory and i slice using Simplify 3D

Our files never are going to need extra supports, the way we deliver it is the way it mean to be printed

Of course you can print just the way you like doing things and the way you achieve the best results for your Printer, your set up and your slicer profile

3D printing is a large and varied world, too many variables, so you are free to print the way you like the most

Overhangs are always a challenge, you need a really good layer fan, but if you don't have one just print slow (40,30 or even 20 mm/s) or print many pieces at the same time 

If your layer fan are just bad, print two or three pieces at the same time will help a lot because the plastic have time to cool off before the printer nozzle make another layer on top of it

Why i avoid at all cost supports? supports affect the aesthetic quality of your printed pieces, they will stick to your pieces and you will have to sand a lot, and detail will be blown away

So, printing slow will improve the quality of your prints, your overhangs and your printing experience in general, i know not everybody have a farm and time is a relevant matter

but if you seek aesthetically quality just print slow, or change your layer fan for other one better and stronger

Thanks for reading friends, i know it was long hahaha  i'm going to share a lot with you about my printing process to help you print our files and help you to have a better printing experience have a nice weekend people, i see you in the next time

    -Valentin Decall-




Can you do it for cura cuz it’s way different setting from this one


there is a learning curve, but I recommend trying out SuperSlicer which is a fork from the PrusaSlicer software. I bought Simplify3d and tested it out for almost two weeks and having previously used Cura I hated Simplify3D I got a refund for the software then downloaded SuperSlicer after seeing multiple people complaining about how development for S3D has basically died with the last released version which was released in late 2018 or early 2019. These same people were recommending everyone to switch to SuperSlicer. It took a week to get the hang of using SuperSlicer but now I am getting great prints from it. I do recommend using the calibration model wizards to calibrate the filament flow rate, filament temperature, and extruder retraction settings. I haven't messed with the bridge flow calibration or ironing pattern calibrations yet, so far I haven't had a need to do so.


Welcome buddy !! and thanks for your contribution, we love to see the community being active, we stick to Simplify 3D we just love it and get outstanding results with it, everyone should use any slicer of their preference, the trick is to get really good in the one you like the most 🤜🤛