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One of the Doctor's biggest challenges of his existence, and he must face it alone... Missy and Holly watch on!



Nicole Mazza

Also, you'll hear 'time zone' more often if you watch the Classic series. The Doctor usually uses it as sort of meaning a timeline or moment in time/history. Probably because when the original show came out, time travel shows were not so much a thing as we have now, so they had to sort of make up their own language for it as they went along.

Nicole Mazza

Oh, and yes he could've probably broken down the wall easier with the spade, but sometimes we hurt ourselves more or torture ourselves more than we 'need' or 'should' when we're hurt/grieving/scared -- especially as our brains usually don't work logically as well in such scenarios. I think him painfully, slowly punching through the wall was perfect for the story, myself -- you have to chip away at grief little by little to get through it and it takes a lot of time and a lot of effort and many times you ultimately have to do it yourself without help (the spade) in the end. I just think this story is one of the most gorgeous (albeit symbolic) representations of grief and seriously just moves me every single time. We all stumble and make mistakes on such a journey, so this was just watching the Doctor go through that himself.