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The Doctor must save the earth from the Zygons... Missy and Holly watch on!



Nicole Mazza

RANDOM THOUGHTS: * The Doctor's war speech is just *chef's kiss* GOD, I LOVE CAPALDI! Definitely one of my fave performances of his! ❤️ * Honestly, I wouldn't sweat the Zygon psychic-connection thing. You're watching a space fantasy show with a thousands-year-old alien who travels in time and space in a dimensionally transcendent ship shaped like a police box...things are not going to be 'realistic'. 😉 * I REALLY love Jenna's performance as Bonnie in this story, btw -- though I did find it weird that sometimes your Clara-hate was coming through in regards to Bonnie's actions when it wasn't Clara herself doing the bad things. Poor girl just can't get a break with you guys. * "Chicken and monkeys"? Pretty sure he said something like: 'Tricky little monkeys'. * Also, as Missy said, the clothes are a part of the disguise. There's even a convo between the Osgoods about that in 'Day of the Doctor' when one says: 'It's funny, isn't it. If I'm a Zygon, then my clothes must be Zygon, too. So, what happens if I lose a shoe or something? ' * BTW, I actually think the Zygons are EVEN MORE squicky in the Classic Series, so you got off a bit easy with this story! So, be warned! LOL * Kate saying "Five rounds rapid" BRINGS ALL THE FEELS FOR ME. That's a famous phrase from her dad -- the Brigadier -- in the Classic Series. 😭 * "The Imbecile's Gas" is a reference to the gas that Harry Sullivan/UNIT supposedly created in this story. It's first mentioned in the first part of the story when Kate says to Clara: "There was an attempted Zygon invasion before, in the seventies, eighties. One of our staff was a naval surgeon. Worked at Porton Down on the captured Zygons. Developed Zee-67. It's a nerve gas. Unravels their DNA. Basically turns them inside out." The naval surgeon was one of the Fourth Doctor's companion called Harry Sullivan, who worked for UNIT and was kidnapped and possessed by the Zygons in the Classic story 'The Terror of the Zygons'. The 'Imbecile' reference is a reference to the famous line from 'The Genesis of the Daleks' where the Fourth Doctor yells out 'HARRY SULLIVAN IS AN IMBECILE!' -- so it's a Classic Who thing. Poor Harry, though. He not only didn't get the best treatment in the Classic series, but I REALLY don't buy him being the one to create the gas in this story, as he doesn't seem the type, but oh well. #characterassassination * I think being freaked out is more surprise about the black toothpaste, not that Clara thinks black toothpaste is inherently bad. If your toothpaste is usually not that color, it makes sense to be concerned (like REALLY concerned). It's like when you order a Coke at a restaurant, but they give you Dr Pepper and while you like Dr Pepper, because your mind is expecting the Coke, it tastes 'wrong' and can throw you off. Happens to the best of us. * As Missy pointed out, the guy in the shopping center was a Zygon, not converted human. Bonnie just took away his ability to stay human-looking as first steps in starting up the war with the humans. That's what makes his suicide so poignant -- he just wanted to live in peace with humanity, but was unmasked and made into 'a monster' as a pawn in the revolution. 😢 * And finally, I REALLY wish they showed more of the second Osgood's clothes at the end, as underneath her coat she's wearing the Seventh Doctor's scarf and sweater vest (and he's my Doctor, SO I'M TOTALLY HERE FOR IT). Oh well. 💔

David Blau

I love this two-parter. Seems to be a trend this season. 😁 And in case anyone missed it, that's three races whose genocide Clara has prevented: the Time Lords, the Daleks, and the Zygons. Not bad for a human.