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A rogue sect of shape-shifters threaten the balance between their normally peaceful people and the humans of Earth... Missy and Holly watch on!



Nicole Mazza

I have to say, I loooove Jenna's performance of Bonnie (yes, Bonnie, not 'Boing') pretending to be Clara. It's especially obvious on rewatch when the switch has happened -- when you see 'Clara' (Bonnie) leaving the kid's flat and putting her hair up, seemingly not too interested in the fate of the kid. Jenna really plays the undercover baddie sooo well! She totally had me fooled when I first watched it back in the day. <3 P.S. And yes, all the question-mark motifs (on the collar of the shirt, the sweater vest, etc) are basically because 'Doctor Who?' -- Holly was spot-on. You'll see that motif reoccur quite often in Classic Doctor Who, such as on the collar (like Osgood) with the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Doctor or with the Seventh Doctor with his sweater vest (like the one Osgood was also wearing) covered in question marks and a question mark-handled umbrella (which we sadly didn't see). The producer JNT (John Nathan Turner) liked the idea of them, especially from a marketing perspective (i.e. to sell Doctor Who merch), so they show up A LOT. (And I personally find them charming -- but that's just me). Also P.S. -- I LOOOOVE the Doctor and his electric guitar, but then I really love the idea of a old punk Doctor. <3 And, I mean, it's not that weird for him to play an instrument -- even the Second Doctor played a flute/rercorder all the time. And yeah, maybe it's meant to 'appeal to kids', but I was watching this in my mid 40s and it sure as heck appealed to me. (But then, like Capaldi, I'm an old punk, myself). Anyway, I don't think it's any weirder than the show trying to bring sex appeal to the Doctor with Tennant, in order to 'appeal to the kids' (again, I was an adult and that appealed to me too) -- the man is thousands of years old, so when you stop and think about him being in a 'romance' with Rose, a 19-year-old, it's hella creepy from an age and power-dynamic perspective, but that's what the show went with. 🤷‍♀️

Nicole Mazza

Obviously, it's open to interpretation, but I don't think the Doctor was out of character in this story. I think he's trying to be neutral, as a) he ultimately wants the Zygons and Humans to work things out for themselves, but also b) he expects the best in people and wants to assume they'll do the right thing. So, he probably thought that the soldiers hopefully weren't going to shoot the Zygons and that when they went inside, maybe they'd finally have peaceful talks. That's what he wants -- both sides to talk it out peacefully. I don't know if he expected those soldiers to be killed. I think he hoped for the better. But these are radicalized Zygons and he's used to dealing with the peaceful ones instead (as he says, not all Zygons have these extreme views, just the vocal few they're dealing with -- hence why he says for the humans to not attack first, as that would likely radicalize more Zygons), so things are not quite turning out as he hoped.