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WATCH HERE: https://app.box.com/shared/static/cluycqbnxc2anplts0shzd7vdhlxvwt4.mp4

The Doctor is trapped in the Tardis, leaving Clara to fend for herself... Missy and Holly watch on!



Nicole Mazza

Yays! One of my all-time fave episodes ever! <3

Nicole Mazza

Also, I love a good Doctor-lite episode, especially when we get some good character development and I personally thought it was a great showcase for Clara -- especially after how things went down between her and the Doctor in the last episode ('Mummy on the Orient Express'), where she learned more about how he approaches things. Also, I don't think it was that Clara didn't care about the people who died -- I think at that point we weren't even sure they WERE dead in the first place. Like, maybe they'd just been kidnapped or something. Things were still getting figured out at that point. 🤷‍♀ Plus, Clara 'being the Doctor' was not a new thing (at least as far as the modern series is concerned) -- we had it with Rose, Donna, and even Martha and Amy to some extent. So, it didn't bother me. I love episodes where they show the companion as capable (mostly) on their own, without the Doctor holding their hand through everything (that's one thing I never liked about Rose, honestly -- she seemed downright non-functional without the Doctor around, but whatevs).