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WATCH IT HERE: https://app.box.com/shared/static/lznyzgnw6z6ggofzpmgpwudr3p4l8h6c.mp4

//DISCLAIMER// This episode was missing from the feed, so it has bee re-posted for those wanting to see it. Sorry about the out of schedule mix up. Thanks for your understanding! Enjoy!

This dude reacts to the 3rd episode of Loki! After Loki accidentally gets himself trapped in an event with the worst of the apocalypses, he must work with this other version of himself to get off the moon of Lamentis. However, in the process we learn a lot about Sylvie and a lot more about Loki. This dude watches on...

This video follows the legal guidelines of “Fair Use”. Disney Enterprises and any subsidiaries or affiliates are welcome to make a profit from any ads that run during this. This is a reaction video that only uses a portion of the content, within Fair Use, and modified in such a way that does not replace, compete, or confuse with the original content.




I absolutely love that last scene in this episode. With Loki and Sylvie running through Lamentis and fighting and all that. Because it was all one shot! The entire scene was one shot and I just love it! I didn't notice the first time I watched it because I was too caught up in well, watching it and what was happening, but there were no cuts. It was all just turning and following them and other things going on and I just think it was so well done! :)