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WATCH HERE: https://app.box.com/shared/static/myw4r1ntuxoooijc511aif8t93f5mabw.mp4

*NOTE* Episode 5x14 (the Christmas Special) will come soon. But we didn't want a gap in content, so here's 6x01!

Strange happenings and reunions in the Utah desert... Missy and Holly watch on!



David Blau

Missy's reaction at about 22:40 is perfect. This show really gets better with a re-watch, doesn't it? As for this episode in particular, it confused the hell out of me when I first saw it.


I love the subtle, flirty interplay between the Doctor and River. He acts like he doesn’t know she’s working the Tardis console behind his back. She thinks she’s fooling him. When Secret Service agents rush into the Oval Office and things get suddenly serious, the Doctor tells River to make the Tardis blue again, and she hates him for it – because it means he deduced how well River knows the Tardis by tricking her into showing him. Oh, and the pained look on River’s face when the Doctor told her that he couldn’t trust her! And the Doctor sending Rory into the tunnel to look out for River. It’s cute beyond words!