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How does one save the world from the collapse of reality? Missy and Holly watch on...




Missy: Like you, I love studying Alex Kingston’s performance – her expression and tone of voice - for clues to what River Song is feeling and thinking. I’m particularly touched by the way River says “Thank you” when the Doctor returns her diary without peeking. Holly: I think Amy was able to touch Amelia without time paradox convulsions because the universe had collapsed and the usual rules no longer applied. Also, I don’t think we can possibly grasp the physics of time travel, which gives this show its inventive flexibility when it comes to what we think are paradoxes or contradictions.

Michael Hingston

I mentioned this finally in the comments for A Christmas Carol as I finally decided it was time to clear that particular point up. The only reason it was an issue in Father's Day, was due to time being damaged by Rose's initial act of saving her father and consequently even interacting with one's self from another point in time would cause a paradox with time being fractured. In fact I believe that was more or less stated in the dialogue. 😃