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The ponies and Spike are stuck... inside a comic-book? Kyle and Mackenzie watch on!




Season 2 episode 16 "Read it and weep". The one where Dash hurt her wing and was forced to stay in hospital. The one where she discovered the amazingness of Daring Do. Been waiting since then. To post something that would have spoiled THIS episode here. Been waiting this long for it! This long to post something for back then! At 3:00 Pinky suggested that Dash might get super spider powers from being hurt and in the hospital. Kyle exclaimed: "That would be amazing! Please let that happen!". My spoiler post that I couldn't post back then was. "Don't worry. They will and they did! Just wait about 2 seasons!". You have no idea how hard it is to keep spoilers. Ask spoiler#redacted! Twilight is hard to pin point exactly which Super hero she is or should be. According to Celestia from the season 3 finale where Twilight became a princess. She has in her. All the qualities the have as well. Basically she can do any job? I think the closes hero that can do every job. Is most likely Iron man. He has shown to be able to do everything. Tho that still is kinda stretching it. Dash is the only one that deals with the weather all the time. Fluttershy is a pegasus as well, but she deals with animals. Rarely is in the air too.


Another great reaction to another fun pony-episode! I, too, loved all the comic book references. Also, since you mentioned the olden days of G1 Pony, is there any chance y'all might react to the start of all things pony: "My Little Pony, Rescue at Midnight Castle?" I find it fun to see how much things have changed since the crazy days of the '80's!